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Benefits of breadfruit


Breadfruit is common in the northeast and can be eaten boiled or roasted to accompany dishes with sauces, for example.

This fruit contains vitamins and minerals that, having good amounts of pro-vitamin A, lutein, fibers, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action because it contains phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids.

What is the breadfruit for

Breadfruit can be eaten regularly because it has the following benefits:

  • Control of diabetes and hypertension; Combats liver cirrhosis; Helps in the recovery of Malaria, Yellow Fever and Dengue. Acts in the prevention of cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Breadfruit is fattening when consumed in excess because it is a good source of carbohydrates. It is usually consumed to replace other sources of carbohydrates in the diet, such as rice, potatoes or pasta and therefore those who want to lose weight should restrict their consumption. However, it has no fats, so the calories it has are not as large as the same amount of avocado, for example.

Nutritional information

The following table indicates the amount of nutrients present in 100 g of breadfruit:

Nutrient Amount
Energy 71 calories
Sodium 0.8 mg
Potassium 188 mg
Carbohydrates 17 g
Proteins 1 g
Magnesium 24 mg
Vitamin C 9 mg
Fats 0.2 mg

How to consume breadfruit

Breadfruit can be cut into pieces and cooked only with water and salt, the texture and flavor are similar to cooked cassava.

Another possibility is to place the whole fruit on a grill, such as a barbecue, for example, and gradually turn it over. The fruit should be ready when its skin is completely black. This peel must be discarded and the inside of the fruit cut into pieces to be served. Roasted breadfruit is a little drier, but it is also tasty and can be eaten with a pepper sauce or cooked chicken, for example.

Once baked or baked, breadfruit can also be cut into thin slices and baked in the oven, to eat like chips, for example.

Breadfruit leaf tea for diabetes

With the leaves of the tree you can prepare a tea that is indicated to help in the control of blood glucose, being a good way to complement the treatment indicated by the doctor. It is possible to use the fresh leaves, just removed from the tree or the sprig of the fruit, or it can be expected to dry, which will further concentrate its nutrients.


  • 1 leaf of fresh breadfruit trees or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves200 ml of water


Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for a few minutes. Strain and drink next, especially after meals.

Benefits of breadfruit