Home Symptoms Hookah smoking is addictive like cigarettes and has health risks

Hookah smoking is addictive like cigarettes and has health risks


Hookah smoking is as bad as smoking cigarettes, because although it is thought that hookah smoke is less harmful because it is filtered through water, this is not entirely true, as in this process only a small part of the smoke's harmful substances remain in the Water. The hookah, also known as the Arab pipe or water pipe, is generally used in sessions that can last from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, during which time the smoke swallowed by the smoker can reach 50 liters, equivalent to the smoke released by 100 cigarettes.

Thus, those who smoke hookahs consume Nicotine and other toxins from the burning of tobacco, such as heavy metals and carbon monoxide, taking the same risks as the cigarette smoker, as they may suffer from the same diseases such as lung problems and lung cancer., esophagus, larynx and mouth.

A 20- to 60-minute session smoking a hookah can be equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

Hookah is addictive like cigarettes

The hookah is addictive like a cigarette, because the tobacco used in this hookah, although it may seem harmless, since it has full, attractive colors and flavors, contains Nicotine in its composition, a substance naturally contained in tobacco that is intensely addictive for the organism. Thus, the risk of hookah smokers becoming addicted is similar to the risk of becoming addicted to cigarettes.

Main Risks of Smoking Hookah

The hookah smoker is at risk similar to the cigarette smoker, and the main health risks are:

  • 1 hookah session, between 20 and 60 minutes, can be the equivalent of smoking 100 cigarettes; Higher risk of having several cancers such as cancer of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, lung, intestine, bladder or kidneys for example; Due to the time of the sessions, hookah smokers absorb a greater amount of toxins than cigarette smokers; Higher risk of having problems such as thrombosis, sexual impotence and heart disease; When shared by several users, hookah smoking increases the chances of catching diseases orally transmitted infections such as Herpes, Oral Candidiasis or Boqueira, for example.

The hookah can be worse for your health than the cigarette, because in addition to being equally addictive for the body, its smoke contains heavy metals, carbon monoxide and other harmful carcinogenic compounds.

In addition, so-called passive smokers who accidentally swallow Nargile smoke are also at the same risk as passive cigarette smokers, so it is important that pregnant women, babies, children and people with lung and respiratory diseases stay well away from these environments. that are a risk to your health.

See what symptoms appear in the body with the withdrawal crisis after quitting smoking.

Hookah smoking is addictive like cigarettes and has health risks