Home Pregnancy Postpartum feeding

Postpartum feeding


The postpartum diet should contain, on average, 400 more calories than the woman is used to eating in her daily life, to ensure good milk production.

During this phase, you need to be careful about what you eat, as the nutrients will also reach the baby through breast milk. An example of this is the appearance of colic in the baby, who suckles at the breast, due to the mother's feeding.

Foods to eat in the postpartum period

Foods to avoid because they can cause colic

What to eat to prevent colic in the baby

Feeding to prevent colic in the baby is not stipulated because not all babies are the same, and what can cause colic in one baby may not cause it in another. Many babies have colic regardless of what the mother eats or have no colic even if the mother eats feijoada, for example.

Some foods or drinks can be avoided at this stage, to reduce colic in babies, but it is always a matter of trying the foods one by one, introducing and excluding, to see how the baby reacts. See which teas you cannot take while breastfeeding to prevent colic in your baby.

Some of the first foods to be removed from the mother's diet for testing can be:

  • Beans and other oilseeds; Onions; Cabbage; Chocolate; Cow's milk.

In general, what usually causes gas in the mother, can cause colic in the baby.

Food to recover from cesarean

The postpartum diet of the cesarean should be very rich in foods that are a source of calcium and iron, in addition to collagen for good healing of the cut.

Hydration is another important point that should not be overlooked and that is why it is recommended to drink water, juices and teas. See the teas allowed to lose weight in the postpartum period.

Fruits, vegetables, cereals and lots of water cannot be missing in a postpartum diet, as this way, the milk will have a better quality and the baby will not miss any nutrients. It is recommended that, just as the baby has to eat every 3 hours, the mother also feeds this way when breastfeeding.

In order for the baby to be well nourished, the breastfeeding mother should eat a little of everything, varying her feeding as much as possible.

Foods that prevent hair loss in the postpartum period

Hair loss is common in the postpartum period and usually begins at 3 months of age and therefore the woman should invest in foods rich in iron, proteins, vitamin A and zinc and should also regularly consume foods such as carrots, Brazil nuts, milk, eggs, yogurt and meats, so that the hair is stronger and does not fall out and to promote its growth.

Watch the video below and see how to prepare a delicious fruit smoothie:

Check out other strategies to combat hair loss in postpartum.

Postpartum feeding