Home Bulls How to tell if it's baby fever (and most common causes)

How to tell if it's baby fever (and most common causes)


The increase in body temperature in the baby should only be considered fever when it exceeds 37.5ºC in a measurement in the armpit, or 38.2º C in the rectum. Before this temperature, it is only considered to be just a fever, which is generally not a cause for concern.

Whenever the baby has a fever, it should be noted whether he has other symptoms because, normally, the birth of teeth and taking a vaccine can generate a fever of up to 38ºC, but the baby continues to eat and sleep well. In this case, placing a washcloth soaked in cold water on the baby's forehead can help lower the fever.

Although fever in the baby is considered from 37.5º C in the armpit, or 38.2ºC in the rectum, it is generally only likely to cause brain damage when it is above 41.5ºC or more.

What can cause fever in the baby

The rise in body temperature indicates that the baby's body is fighting an invading agent. The most common situations that cause fever in babies are:

  • Birth of teeth: It usually happens from the 4th month and you can see the swollen gums and the baby always wants to have his hand in his mouth, in addition to drooling a lot. Reaction after taking a vaccine: It appears a few hours after taking the vaccine, making it easy to relate that the fever is probably a reaction. If the fever arises after a cold or flu, sinusitis or inflammation of the ear may be suspected : The baby it may not show phlegm or look like a cold, but the inner tissues of the nose and throat may be inflamed, causing a fever. Pneumonia: The flu symptoms become more intense and the fever appears, making it more difficult for the baby to breathe; Urinary tract infection: Low fever (up to 38.5ºC measured in the anus) may be the only sign in children under 2 years old, but vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain and loss of appetite may appear. Dengue: more common in summer, especially in epidemic areas, there is fever and loss of appetite, the child is sly and likes to sleep a lot. Chickenpox: There is a fever and itchy skin blisters, loss of appetite and abdominal pain can also arise. Measles: The fever lasts for 3 to 5 days, and there are usually signs of cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis, as well as dark spots on the skin. Scarlet fever : There is a fever and sore throat, the tongue becomes swollen and as it looks like a raspberry, small spots appear on the skin that can cause peeling. Erysipelas: There is fever, chills, pain in the affected area that can become red and swollen.

When you suspect that your baby has a fever, you should measure the fever with a thermometer, and see if there are any other signs or symptoms that may help to identify what is causing the fever, but if in doubt you should go to the pediatrician, especially when the baby is less than 3 months old.

How to measure fever in the baby

To measure the baby's fever, place the metal tip of the glass thermometer under the baby's arm, leaving it there for at least 3 minutes, and then check the temperature on the thermometer itself. Another possibility is to use a digital thermometer, which shows the temperature in less than 1 minute.

The temperature can also be measured more accurately in the baby's rectum. However, in these cases, it is important to take into account the rectal temperature is higher than the oral and the axillary, so when checking the temperature one should always check in the same place, the most common being the axilla. The rectal temperature can be between 0.8 to 1ºC higher than the axillary, and therefore when the baby has a fever of 37.8ºC in the armpit, it probably has a temperature of 38.8ºC in the anus.

To measure the temperature in the rectum it is mandatory to use a thermometer with a soft, flexible bridge that must be introduced at least 3 cm

See more about how to use the thermometer correctly.

Tips for lowering baby fever

What is advised to do to lower the baby's fever is:

  • Check if the environment is very hot and if possible turn on a fan or air conditioning; Change the baby's clothes for a lighter and cooler; Offer something liquid and fresh for the baby to take every half hour, if he is awake; Give the baby a warm to cold bath, avoiding very cold water. The water temperature should be close to 36ºC, which is the normal temperature of the skin. Putting a washcloth dipped in warm to cold water on the baby's forehead can also help to lower the fever.

If the fever does not go down in half an hour, the doctor should be consulted, especially if the baby is very angry, cries a lot or is apathetic. The remedy indicated to lower fever in the baby is Dipyrone, but it should only be used with the knowledge of the pediatrician.

Check other options to lower the fever in the baby.

How to know if the fever is severe

The fever is always severe when it reaches 38ºC, deserving all the attention of the parents and a visit to the pediatrician, especially when:

  • It is not possible to identify that the teeth are being born and that there is probably another cause; There is diarrhea, vomiting and the child does not want to breastfeed or eat; The child has sunken eyes, is more tearful than normal, and does little peeing., because it may indicate dehydration; spots appear on the skin, itching or if the baby looks very uncomfortable.

But if the baby is only soft and sleepy, but with a fever, one should also go to the doctor to find out what is causing this temperature rise and start the appropriate treatment, with medication.

How to tell if it's baby fever (and most common causes)