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Exercise Calories


The caloric expenditure of the exercises varies according to the person's weight and intensity of physical activity, however the exercises that normally use more calories are running, jumping rope, swimming, playing water polo and rollerblading, for example.

On average, a 50 kg person spends more than 600 calories per hour when running on a treadmill, while someone who weighs about 80 kg spends around 1000 calories per hour for this same activity. This is because the more weight a person has, the more effort his body needs to make to ensure that there is no lack of oxygen and energy in every cell in the body.

Other examples of exercises that burn a lot of calories are intense weight training, indoor soccer, tennis, boxing, judo and jiu-jitsu, for example. However, more important than starting to practice an exercise just because it burns a lot of calories, is knowing how to eat well, enjoying the type of activity you will do and dedicating yourself practicing at least 3 times a week, for 1 hour, or daily for 30 minutes, because regular exercise is also important for losing weight.

Caloric expenditure per Physical Activity

Knowing the energy expenditure of the exercises and also the calories of the foods it is possible to structure a diet and physical activity together so that the goal is achieved quickly, whether it be muscle gain or weight loss.

The caloric expenditure of physical activities varies according to factors related to the person and the intensity and duration of physical activity. Enter your data below and find out how many calories you spend on some activities:

It is possible to increase the amount of calories you spend each day by increasing your body's metabolism and increasing your muscles, because the more lean mass a person has, the more calories he will expend.

What influences caloric expenditure

The caloric expenditure depends on some factors related to the person and the type of exercise, such as:

  • Weight and body structure; Height; Intensity, type and duration of physical activity; Age; Level of fitness.

So, to know the amount of calories that each person spends per day it is important to take into account all these factors. In addition, it is important that the nutritionist calculate the amount of calories that must be consumed per day in order to lose weight, also taking into account life habits, age, height and weight. Know how many calories to consume to lose weight.

How to burn more calories to lose weight

The best way to burn more calories and lose weight is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, practicing intense and regular physical activity and having a balanced and goal-oriented diet, which is why it is important to have nutritional monitoring.

It is also important to perform a physical activity that is appropriate to the person's habits and taste, as it is possible that the person always remains motivated and performs the exercise on a regular basis. Find out how to choose the best sport according to your lifestyle.

When starting to practice some type of physical activity combined with a healthy diet, metabolism is stimulated, favoring caloric expenditure and promoting weight loss. Basically, the more calories a person spends doing an exercise, the more they lose weight, but the more motivated the person is, the greater their effort and this will burn more calories.

Exercise Calories