Home Bulls Vertical gastrectomy: what it is, advantages and recovery

Vertical gastrectomy: what it is, advantages and recovery


Vertical gastrectomy, also called sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of bariatric surgery that is done with the aim of treating morbid obesity, consisting of the removal of the left part of the stomach, which causes a decrease of the stomach's ability to store food. Thus, this surgery can lead to a loss of up to 40% of the initial weight.

This surgery is indicated for the treatment of obesity when the use of other, more natural forms has not produced any results even after 2 years or when the person already has a BMI greater than 50 kg / m². In addition, it can also be done in patients with a BMI of 35 kg / m² but who also have heart, respiratory or decompensated diabetes, for example.

See when bariatric surgery is indicated as a form of treatment.

How is the surgery done

Vertical gastrectomy to lose weight is a surgery performed under general anesthesia and lasts, on average, 2 hours. However, it is common for the person to be admitted to the hospital for at least 3 days.

Generally, this surgery is performed by videolaparoscopy, in which small holes are made in the abdomen, through which tubes and instruments are inserted to make small cuts in the stomach, without having to make a large cut in the skin.

During surgery, the doctor makes a vertical cut, cutting the left part of the stomach and leaving the organ in the form of a tube or sleeve, similar to a banana. In this surgery up to 85% of the stomach is removed, making it smaller and causing the person to eat less.

Main advantages

The main advantages of vertical gastrectomy over other types of bariatric surgery are:

  • Ingest between 50 to 150 ml of food, instead of 1 L, which is the usual pattern before surgery; Greater weight loss than that obtained with the adjustable gastric band, without requiring band adjustments; Turn gastrectomy into bypass gastric, if necessary; the intestine does not change, with normal absorption of important nutrients occurring.

It is also a technically simpler surgery than gastric bypass , allowing weight loss over several years and with less risk of complications.

However, despite all the advantages, it remains a very aggressive technique for the organism and without the possibility of being reversed, unlike other forms of simpler surgery, such as the placement of a gastric band or a balloon.

Possible risks

Vertical gastrectomy can cause nausea, vomiting and heartburn. However, the most serious complications of this surgery include the appearance of a fistula, which is an abnormal connection between the stomach and the abdominal cavity, and which can increase the chances of infections. In such cases, further surgery may be necessary.

How is recovery

Recovery from surgery can take between 6 months to 1 year, with gradual weight loss and, with the need to make lifestyle changes.

Therefore, the person who has had a gastrectomy should follow the guidelines:

  • Make the diet indicated by the nutritionist. See what food should look like after bariatric surgery. Take an antiemetic such as Omeprazole, prescribed by the doctor, before meals to protect the stomach; Take oral painkillers, such as Paracetamol or Tramadol, as directed by the doctor, if you have pain; Start the practice of light physical activity after 1 or 2 months, according to the doctor's assessment; Do the dressing at the clinic one week after surgery.

All of these precautions must be carried out so that the recovery is less painful and faster. See more specific guidelines on what to do in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery.

Vertical gastrectomy: what it is, advantages and recovery