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Learn how to cure gastritis


Gastritis is curable when properly identified and treated. It is important that the cause of gastritis is identified so that the doctor can indicate the best form of treatment, whether with antibiotics or medications that protect the stomach. See which are the most suitable remedies for gastritis.

In addition to drug treatment, it is important that the person has an adequate diet, eliminating substances that irritate the stomach and cause gastritis, such as cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and fatty foods with a lot of sauce. It is possible to cure gastritis in a natural way through the consumption of holy espinheira tea, as this plant is able to decrease the acidity of the stomach, protecting the gastric mucosa.

However, when gastritis is not identified or when treatment is not done correctly, gastritis can evolve to the chronic type, where inflammation of the gastric mucosa lasts for more than 3 months, making treatment more difficult and healing more complicated to achieve. Understand what chronic gastritis is.

Natural treatment

The cure of gastritis can also be achieved in a natural way through the use of holy thorn ( Maytenus ilicifolia ), which is a medicinal plant that has antioxidant and cellular protective action, being able to decrease the acidity of the stomach, protecting the gastric mucosa, in addition to being able to eliminate the H. pylori bacteria, being, therefore, a great natural option to treat gastritis.

The espinheira santa is rich in tannins and essential oils that protect the gastric mucosa, being as efficient as remedies for gastritis, such as Ranitidine and Cimetidine. It can be found in the form of tea, capsules or tincture, and can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores or health food stores. The espinheira santa has an anti-inflammatory effect and also has a calming action, being useful in case of nervous gastritis. Find out more about the holy espinheira.

This plant has no side effects and can be used in the long term, under medical or nutritionist guidance, without causing any harm to health. However, it is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the lack of scientific studies on this subject, and should not be used during breastfeeding, due to the possible reduction in breast milk. Check out other options of home remedies for gastritis.

Diet for gastritis

Food is also essential to cure gastritis. In the gastritis diet, it is recommended that the person eat every 3 hours and do not drink anything during meals. It is recommended that the food be as light as possible, giving preference to foods cooked in water and salt or grilled with salt, garlic and olive oil. It is important to know that foods are not recommended for people with gastritis, as it can make symptoms worse, such as:

  • Canned foods such as pickles and olives; Coffee, chocolate or chocolate powder; Barbecue, sausage and sausages; Raw or poorly washed foods; Cookies, crackers, cakes and pasta prepared with hydrogenated fat; Frozen meals; Fast food , such as hamburgers, hot dogs, churros; beer, cachaça, wine and other alcoholic beverages.

It is important to know that this is not a rule, but a piece of advice, as a certain food can harm an individual with gastritis and not bring any harm to another who also suffers from the same disease. Therefore, the ideal is for the individual to write down on a sheet the foods that he has already identified that are bad for him and avoid them whenever possible. Learn how to diet for gastritis.

Learn how to cure gastritis