Home Bulls Gemzar



Gemzar is an antineoplastic medication that has the active substance Gemcitabine.

This drug for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of cancer, since its action decreases the probability of cancer cells to spread to other organs of the body making the disease more complicated to obtain the appropriate treatment.

Gemzar indications

Breast cancer; pancreatic cancer; lung cancer.

Gemzar Price

A 50 ml bottle of Gemzar costs approximately 825 reais.

Side effects of Gemzar

Somnolence; abnormal burning sensation; tingling or prickling to the touch; ache; fever; swelling; inflammation in the mouth; nausea; vomiting; constipation; diarrhea; increased red blood cells in the urine; anemia; difficulty in breathing; hair loss; rash on the skin; the flu.

Contraindications for Gemzar

Pregnancy risk D; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Gemzar

Injectable use


  • Breast cancer: Apply 1250 mg of Gemzar per square meter of body surface on days 1 and 8 of each 21-day cycle. Pancreatic Cancer: Apply 1000 mg of Gemzar per square meter of body surface, once a week for up to 7 weeks, followed by a week without the medication. Each subsequent treatment cycle consists of administering the medication once a week for 3 consecutive weeks, followed by a week without the medication. Lung cancer: Apply 1000 mg of Gemzar per square meter of body surface per day on days 1, 8 and 15 in a cycle that is repeated every 28 days.