Home Medicinal Plants How to make espinheira-santa tea

How to make espinheira-santa tea


Espinheira-santa, also known as Maytenus ilicifolia, is a plant that generally grows in countries and regions with a mild climate, such as southern Brazil.

The part of the plant used is the leaves, which are rich in tannins, polyphenols and triterpenes, with various therapeutic properties.

What is Espinheira-santa for?

Espinheira-santa is widely used in cases of gastritis, stomach pains, gastric ulcers and heartburn, since the components present in this plant have a strong antioxidant and cellular protective action and, in addition, reduce gastric acidity, thus protecting the mucosa of the stomach. It also combats H. Pylori and gastric reflux.

In addition, Espinheira-santa also has diuretic, laxative, blood-purifying, anti-infectious properties, and can be used in cases of acne, eczema and scarring. This plant is also used as a home remedy in cases of cancer due to its analgesic and anti-tumor properties.

How to use

Espinheira-santa can be used in several ways:

1. Espinheira-santa tea

The part of the plant used in the tea is the leaves, used as follows:


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Preparation: Add the espinheira santa leaves to the boiling water, cover and let stand for about 10 minutes. Strain and take warm. It is advisable to drink this tea 3 times a day, on an empty stomach, or about half an hour before meals.

This tea is very effective for gastritis, because it decreases the acidity in the stomach. See other home remedies for gastritis.

2. Espinheira-santa capsules

Espinheira-santa capsules can be found in pharmacies, in a dose of 380mg of Maytenus ilicifolia dry extract . The usual dose is 2 capsules, 3 times a day, before main meals.

3. Espinheira-santa hot compresses

For skin problems such as eczema, scarring or acne, hot compresses can be applied with Espinheira-santa tea directly on the lesion.

Contraindications for Espinheira-santa

Espinheira-santa should not be used in people with a history of allergy to this plant. It should also not be used during pregnancy, due to its abortion effect, and women who are breastfeeding, because it can cause a reduction in the amount of breast milk. It is also contraindicated in children under 12 years.

How to make espinheira-santa tea