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What genistein is and what it is for


Genistein is part of a group of compounds called isoflavones, which are found in soybeans and which have benefits for the body such as being a powerful antioxidant and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and even preventing and treating Alzheimer's. This substance can be found mainly in soybeans and their derivatives, but it is also present in foods such as beans, chickpeas and peas.

The recommended amount of soy isoflavones, which include genistein, varies between 30 and 50 mg / day, which can be obtained from the consumption of soy and its derivatives or the use of supplements with these compounds, which must be used according to the doctor's guidance.

Thus, regular consumption of good amounts of genistein has the following health benefits:

1. Protect against cancer

Genistein has been shown to have a protective effect mainly against breast, colon and prostate cancers. In women who are still menstruating, it works by regulating the excess of the hormone estrogen, which can end up causing changes in cells and cancer.

2. Reduce the symptoms of menopause

In menopausal women, genistein acts as an estrogen-like compound, which relieves menopausal symptoms, especially excessive heat, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, which are frequent consequences in postmenopausal women.

3. Reduce cholesterol

Genistein is a potent antioxidant that works by lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, which is bad cholesterol, by increasing levels of HDL, which is the good cholesterol. This effect protects blood vessels against the appearance of atherosclerosis, which are fatty plaques that clog blood vessels and cause problems such as heart attack and stroke.

4. Strengthen the immune system

Genistein and other isoflavones are powerful antioxidants, which is why they work by strengthening the immune system and bringing benefits such as preventing cellular changes that lead to cancer, reducing the loss of proteins in the body and regulating the life cycle of cells.

These effects, in addition to preventing diseases, also help to prevent premature aging and the increase of expression marks on the skin.

5. Prevention of diabetes

Genistein works by stimulating the production of insulin, a hormone responsible for stimulating the reduction of glycemia, which the blood sugar content. This effect occurs both with the supplementation of the soy protein itself and with the use of tablets with its flavonoids, which should be taken according to medical advice.

Food sources of genistein

The main sources of genistein are soy beans and their derivatives, such as milk, tofu, miso, tempeh and soy flour, also known as kinako.

The following table shows the amount of isoflavones and genistein in 100 g of soy and its derivatives:

Food Isoflavones Genistein
Soya beans 110 mg 54 mg
Degreased flour

of soy

191 mg 57 mg
Wholemeal flour 200 mg 57 mg
Textured Protein

of soy

95 mg 53 mg
Soy protein isolate 124 mg 62 mg

However, these concentrations vary according to the variety of the product, the conditions of cultivation of the soybean and its processing in the industry. See all the benefits of soy.

What genistein is and what it is for