Home Bulls Understand what hypertrichosis is: the werewolf syndrome

Understand what hypertrichosis is: the werewolf syndrome


Hypertrichosis, also popularly known as the werewolf syndrome, is an extremely rare condition in which there is excessive hair growth anywhere on the body, which can happen in both men and women. This exaggerated hair growth may even end up covering the face, which ends up contributing to the name "werewolf syndrome".

Depending on the cause, symptoms may appear early in childhood, when the syndrome is caused by a genetic change, but it can also appear only in adults, due to changes such as malnutrition, cancer or the use of some types of medication.

There is still no cure for hypertrichosis that can prevent hair growth, so it is common for people to resort to techniques, such as waxing or using gillette, to try to temporarily reduce the amount of hair and improve aesthetics, especially in the region the face.

How to identify hypertrichosis

Hypertrichosis is characterized by excessive hair growth on the body, however, there are three main types of hair that can arise:

  • Vellum hair: it is a type of short hair that usually appears in places such as the soles of the feet, the ears, the lips or the palms of the hands; Lanugo hair: it is characterized by a very fine, smooth and generally colorless hair. This type of hair is common in the first days of the newborn's life, disappearing. However, babies who suffer from hypertrichosis have this hair permanently; Terminal hair: it is a type of long, thick and very dark hair, similar to the hair on the head. This type of hair is more frequent on the face, armpits and groin.

Different cases of hypertrichosis can present different types of hair, and it is not necessary for everyone to have all types.

In addition to excessive hair growth, in some people with hypertrichosis it is also relatively common for gum problems to appear and even the lack of some teeth.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Normally, the diagnosis of hypertrichosis is made clinically, that is, through the observation of symptoms and medical evaluation of the entire history of the person. In the case of the child or baby, this diagnosis can be made by the pediatrician. In adults, however, it is common for the diagnosis to be made by a dermatologist or by a general practitioner.

What causes hypertrichosis

The specific cause for the appearance of this condition is not yet known, however, it is possible to observe several cases of hypertrichosis in members of the same family. Therefore, it is considered that hypertrichosis can be caused by a genetic mutation that passes from generation to generation within the same family, and that activates the gene for the production of hair pills, which has been deactivated throughout evolution.

However, and as there are cases of people who only present hypertrichosis during adulthood, there are also other factors that have been indicated as causing the condition, namely cases of extreme malnutrition, prolonged use of drugs, especially androgenic steroids, as well as cases of cancer or skin diseases, such as porphyria cutanea tarda.

How to control the amount of hair

Since there is no form of treatment capable of curing hypertrichosis, hair removal is usually used to improve body aesthetics and try to reduce the amount of hair. Some of the most used techniques include:

  • Wax: removes hair by the root allowing its growth to be slower, however, it is more painful and cannot be used on the face and other more sensitive places; Gillette: it does not cause pain because the hair is cut close to the root with a blade, but the hair reappears more quickly Chemicals: it is similar to epilation with gillette, but it is made with creams that dissolve the hair, eliminating it. Laser: in addition to eliminating hair almost permanently, they reduce scars and skin irritations that can arise with other methods.

Due to the excessive use of hair removal, some skin problems may arise, such as scars, dermatitis or hypersensitivity reactions, and for this reason the dermatologist can be useful to guide the best treatment to reduce hair growth.

Understand what hypertrichosis is: the werewolf syndrome