Home Symptoms Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil


Pumpkin seed oil is a good health oil because it is rich in vitamin E and healthy fats, helping to prevent cancer and improve cardiovascular disease.

However, pumpkin seed oil should not be heated, because if it is heated it loses the good nutrients for health, so it is a good oil to season salads, for example.

In addition, pumpkin seed oil can also be purchased in capsules at health food stores or on the internet.

Benefits of pumpkin seeds

The main benefits of pumpkin seeds can be:

  • Improve male fertility because they are rich in zinc; Fight inflammations because they have omega 3 which is anti-inflammatory; Improve well-being by having tryptophan that helps in the formation of serotonin, the well-being hormone; Help prevent cancer by being rich in antioxidants that protect the body's cells; Improve skin hydration by having omega 3 and vitamin E; Fight cardiovascular diseases, because they have fats that are good for the heart and that facilitate blood circulation.

In addition, pumpkin seeds are very simple to use, and can be added to salads, cereals or yogurt, for example.

Pumpkin seeds nutritional information

Components Quantity in 15 g of pumpkin seeds
Energy 84 calories
Proteins 4.5 g
Fats 6.9 g
Carbohydrates 1.6 g
Fibers 0.9 g
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
Vitamin B3 0.74 mg
Vitamin B5 0.11 mg
Magnesium 88.8 mg
Potassium 121 mg
Phosphor 185 mg
Iron 1.32 mg
Selenium 1.4 mcg
Zinc 1.17 mg

Pumpkin seeds are very nutritious and can be bought on the internet, health food stores or prepared at home, just save the pumpkin seeds, wash, dry, add olive oil, spread on a tray and bake in the oven, in low temperature for 20 minutes.

See also: Pumpkin seeds for the heart.

Pumpkin seed oil