Home Bulls Repatha



Repatha is an injectable medicine that contains in its composition evolocumab, a substance that acts on the liver helping to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

This medicine is produced by Amgen laboratories in the form of a pre-filled syringe, similar to insulin pens, which can be administered at home after instruction from a doctor or nurse.


Repatha, or evolocumab, can be purchased at pharmacies presenting a prescription and its value can vary between 1400 reais, for a pre-filled syringe of 140 mg, to 2400 reais, for 2 syringes.

What is it for

Repatha is indicated for the treatment of patients with high blood cholesterol levels caused by primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed hypercholesterolemia, and should always be accompanied by a balanced diet.

How to use

The way to use Repatha, which is evolocumab, consists of an injection of 140 mg every 2 weeks or 1 injection of 420 mg once a month. However, the dose can be adjusted by the doctor according to the medical history.

Possible side effects

The main side effects of Repatha include hives, redness and itching of the skin, difficulty breathing, runny nose, sore throat or swelling of the face, for example. In addition, Repatha can also trigger an allergic reaction at the injection site.

Repatha contraindications

Repatha is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to evolocumab or any other component of the formula.

See also the nutritionist's tips on the best cholesterol-lowering diet:
