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How to increase testosterone in women


The gynecologist may recommend testosterone supplementation for women who have testosterone levels on the blood test equal to or less than 25 ng / dL, which may indicate early menopause leading to low sexual desire.

The syndrome of androgen deficiency and ovarian failure, usually justify the drop in testosterone in women, and in these cases the gynecologist may indicate the use of about 300 mcg / day of testosterone, being necessary to perform the test that evaluates its amount in the blood monthly to adjust the dose of the testosterone supplement.

Testosterone-based drugs should only be used in the event of a medical indication because they have side effects such as changes in cholesterol, liver poisoning, increased risk of heart attack and breast and ovarian cancer. Treatment should not be done for more than 6 months because the risks of prolonged testosterone use in women are not known and during treatment it is important to have tests and be evaluated by the doctor on a regular basis.

How to increase testosterone in women

Increasing the amount of testosterone in women should be done under medical advice and is usually recommended when the woman has a lower concentration of testosterone in the blood, which can result in early menopause, decreased libido or ovarian failure, for example.

Thus, some options of testosterone-based remedies that can be indicated by the gynecologist are:

  • Injectable testosterone, which can be found alone or combined with estrogens; Testosterone tablet, which can be manipulated or found in the conventional pharmacy. The safest dose is 1.25 mg to 2.5 mg daily; Adhesive testosterone: It was not approved by ANVISA and therefore is not sold in Brazil, however it provides 300 µg / day of testosterone and must be changed every 4 days; Testosterone gel or Androgel, which can be made in the manipulation containing 1% to 2% Testosterone Propionate to be applied to the woman's intimate outer region. See how to use the androgel.

The decrease in testosterone concentration in women can happen due to several situations, the main ones being aging, physical inactivity, inadequate nutrition, failure or removal of the ovaries, use of drugs with estrogens, anti-androgens, glucocorticoids, adrenal insufficiency, anorexia nervosa, arthritis rheumatoid, lupus and AIDS.

Natural shapes

It is possible to naturally increase testosterone in women by increasing consumption of foods rich in zinc, vitamin A and D, such as nuts, sunflower seeds, eggs, sardines, spinach and fish oil, for example, and avoiding food consumption. rich in sugar and soy, as they can interfere with testosterone production.

In addition, it is important to avoid stress and invest in moments to relax and exercise. The ideal is to practice some physical exercise that you like at least twice a week for 1 hour, or daily for 30 minutes. Check out other tips to increase testosterone naturally.

Possible risks of testosterone supplementation

The use of testosterone by women is only indicated when recommended by the doctor, because its use in excess, unnecessarily and in a unregulated way can increase the risk of the development of breast and ovarian cancer, infarction, thrombosis and the development of resistance to insulin, for example, in addition to promoting the appearance of acne, leaving the skin more oily, altering the voice and promoting an increase in the clitoris.

In addition, testosterone can lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region, which can favor the accumulation of fat between the organs, which increases the risk of heart problems and liver toxicity.

Due to the risks that indiscriminate testosterone supplementation may have, it is not recommended that testosterone be used by women to increase muscle mass.

How to identify low testosterone in women

The decrease in the amount of testosterone in women can be noticed through some signs, the most characteristic of which are:

  • Sexual disinterest; Reduced well-being; Mood swings; Lack of motivation; Persistent fatigue; Decreased muscle mass; Weight gain; Accumulation of body fat; Lower bone mass.

The confirmation that testosterone is insufficient in women is made through a blood test, such as the measurement of free testosterone in the blood, for example. In addition, the doctor can indicate the dosage of SDHEA, in cases of suspected adrenal androgenic insufficiency. Learn all about testosterone.

How to increase testosterone in women