Home Symptoms How viral meningitis is transmitted

How viral meningitis is transmitted


Viral meningitis is a contagious disease caused by viruses of the enterovirus family and that can affect people who have closer contact with the infected person, such as those who live in the same house, study or work in the same room. However, when a person is infected with the virus, he can already infect others even if the symptoms have not manifested. Learn how to identify viral meningitis.

Meningitis is an easily transmitted disease and, to avoid contagion, it is also advised not to share food, drinks and avoid direct physical contact and to increase the frequency of hand washing avoiding direct contact with secretions such as saliva, sneezing or coughing from the patient. Understand What Meningitis is.

How the transmission happens

The transmission of the virus that causes meningitis happens even if the person has no symptoms. Contagion is easy, and can be through:

  • Sharing cups, plates and cutlery; Coughing, sneezing or saliva; Sharing food or drinks; Close contacts like kissing; Contact with the feces of the infected person

Usually the person with viral meningitis does not need to be hospitalized in isolation, but if the doctor thinks it is better for the person not to have close contact with others, for his own recovery to be faster, he may give this indication. Check out 5 practical steps to protect yourself from viral meningitis.

How to prevent contamination

The prevention of viral meningitis is done through the application of protective measures, such as:

  • Wash your hands frequently and use alcohol gel afterwards, especially before and after using the bathroom, changing the diaper or blowing your nose; Wash your hands well before handling food and cooking; Keep the bathroom clean and airy, no dirty toilet paper; Avoid turning on the air conditioner, as filters can accumulate viruses, transmitting diseases; Clean all kitchen and bathroom surfaces with chlorine, keeping the house clean; Wash all fruits and vegetables with water and leave chlorine sauce; Avoid contact with people already diagnosed with viral meningitis, even if they are under treatment; Avoid very close contact, such as kisses, for example, with the infected person, as saliva can contain viruses.

During an epidemic of viral meningitis, it is important that protective measures are actually taken, as the transmission of the virus from one person to another occurs very quickly and asymptomatically.

How to identify viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is usually only identified when the person has some symptoms, such as high fever, headache and stiff neck. If these symptoms are present, you should go to the emergency room for tests to find out if it really is meningitis and then start treatment.

If meningitis is suspected, the doctor may recommend the use of prophylactic antibiotics, which should be discontinued after confirmation that the disease is not bacterial, but rather the viral form that does not require antibiotics. Learn to recognize all the symptoms of viral meningitis and how your diagnosis is made.

How viral meningitis is transmitted