Home Symptoms Main symptoms of heavy metal contamination

Main symptoms of heavy metal contamination


Heavy metals are chemical elements that in their pure form are solid and can be toxic to the body when consumed, and can cause damage to various organs in the body, such as the lungs, kidneys, stomach and even the brain.

While some heavy metals, such as copper, are important to the body in some amounts, others such as mercury or arsenic can be very toxic and should be avoided. These metals are often present in contaminated water and, therefore, can end up contaminating the air and also foods causing health problems over the years.

Generally, heavy metals do not cause symptoms when they first come into contact with the body, however, they have the ability to accumulate within the body's cells, causing problems such as kidney changes, brain damage and there is a suspicion that they also may increase the risk of cancer.

See how you can avoid contact with heavy metals.

Symptoms of the 6 major heavy metals

The 6 heavy metals that are most dangerous to health are mercury, arsenic, lead, barium, cadmium and chromium. Depending on the type of metal that accumulates in the body, symptoms can vary:

1. Mercury poisoning

Contamination of the body with mercury usually causes signs such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting; Constant diarrhea; Frequent feeling of anxiety; Tremors; Increased blood pressure.

In the long run, poisoning with this type of metal can also cause kidney and brain problems, as well as changes in vision, hearing and memory problems.

The most common sources of contamination by mercury include contaminated water, direct contact with mercury, contact with the interior of lamps and batteries and some dental treatments. Thus, good ways to avoid contamination by mercury consist of not consuming water and food that appear to be contaminated, as well as changing all objects that have mercury in their composition, especially thermometers and old lamps.

Better understand what happens in the body when it is contaminated with mercury.

2. Arsenic poisoning

Arsenic is a type of heavy metal that can cause the appearance of:

  • Nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea; Headache and dizziness; Alteration of the heart rhythm; Constant tingling in the hands and feet.

These symptoms can appear in up to 30 minutes. However, when the quantities are very low, this metal slowly accumulates in the body and, in these cases, there is also a very increased risk of cancer in the skin, lungs, liver or bladder.

Arsenic can be found in paints, dyes, medicines, soaps, as well as fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, arsenic can also be found in water from private wells that are not regularly tested and disinfected by the Water and Sewer Company - CDAE.

To avoid contamination by arsenic, it is advisable not to use materials that contain this type of metal in its composition and to avoid eating food with dyes or untreated water.

3. Lead poisoning

Lead poisoning is often difficult to identify, and even apparently healthy people can have high levels of lead in the body. However, as lead accumulates in the body, lead appears to cause:

  • Pain in joints and muscles; Increased blood pressure; Constant abdominal pain; Difficulties in memory and concentration; Anemia without apparent cause.

In more severe cases, kidney, brain, and even abortion problems in pregnant women or infertility in men may develop.

Lead can be found throughout the environment, including air, water and soil, as it is a metal widely used by industry to make objects such as batteries, water pipes, paint or gasoline, for example. To avoid lead contamination, it is important to avoid having objects with this type of metal at home, especially in plumbing or wall paints.

4. Barium poisoning

Barium is a type of heavy metal that does not cause cancer to develop, however, it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Vomiting; Abdominal cramps and diarrhea; Difficulty breathing; Muscle weakness; Increased blood pressure.

Sources of barium contamination include some types of fluorescent lamps, fireworks, paints, bricks, ceramic pieces, glass, rubber and even some diagnostic tests. To avoid contamination with this metal one of the most important tips is to avoid going to construction sites without a protective mask to avoid inhaling or ingesting dust contaminated with barium.

5. Cadmium poisoning

Ingestion of cadmium can cause:

  • Stomach pain; Nausea and vomiting; Diarrhea.

Over time, ingesting or inhaling this metal can also cause kidney disease, lung problems and weakening of the bones.

Cadmium is present in all types of soil or stones, as well as in coal, mineral fertilizers, batteries and plastics in some toys. To avoid contamination by cadmium, it is recommended not to use materials that contain this type of metal in its composition and to avoid smoking, as the cigarette has charcoal that facilitates the contact between cadmium and the lungs.

6. Chromium Poisoning

The main form of chromium poisoning is due to inhalation. When this happens, symptoms such as:

  • Irritation in the nose; Difficulty breathing; Asthma and constant cough.

In the long term, permanent lesions in the liver, kidneys, circulatory system and skin can appear.

Chromium is used to make objects in stainless steel, cement, paper and rubber and, therefore, it can be easily inhaled at construction sites or during the burning of paper or rubber, for example. To avoid chromium contamination, construction sites should only be used with a mask and avoid burning paper or rubber.

Main symptoms of heavy metal contamination