Home Bulls Metamucil



Metamucil is used to regulate the intestine and lower cholesterol levels, and its use should be done only after medical advice.

This medicine is produced by Psyllium laboratories and its formula is in powder form, it is necessary to prepare it before ingesting the solution.

Metamucil Price

Metamucil costs between 23 and 47 reais and can be purchased at pharmacies or stores on the internet.

What is Metamucil for?

The drug Metamucil is indicated for:

  • Relieve in constipation; Helping to hold the bowel when the bowel is loose; Helping to lower blood cholesterol when exercising regularly and maintaining a low-fat diet; Helping to reduce sugar levels after meals.

In addition, it can be used as a fiber supplement, associated with a healthy diet.

How to take Metamucil

Metamucil should be taken on medical advice and is usually indicated:

  • Children between 6 and 12 years old: take half a sachet (2.9g) or half an adult dose 1 to 3 times a day; Children over 12 and adults: take 1 sachet (5.85g) or 1 dessert spoon 1 to 3 times a day.

The solution is in powder and therefore it is necessary to prepare it correctly in order to be ingested.

How to prepare Metamucil

To ingest Metamucil you need:

  1. Add 1 dose of powder, with 5.85g, which corresponds to a dessert spoon in 240 ml of water or other liquid; Shake the solution until it is homogeneous; Drink water after preparation.

The product is powdered and therefore it is necessary to add liquid to be able to ingest it.

Metamucil side effects

There are no known side effects of Metamucil.

Contraindications for Metamucil

This medication should not be used by children under the age of 6 years, in case of serious intestinal diseases, bowel obstruction or hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, it is contraindicated in case of rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting and cannot be consumed by phenylketonurics.
