Home Bulls Mythomania



Mythomania is a personality disorder where the patient has a compulsive tendency to lie. This disease is also known as obsessive-compulsive lying.

One of the great differences of the sporadic or "traditional" liar to the mythomancer, is that in the first case the individual has no resistance in admitting the truth, while the person with the compulsion to lie uses the lie to his own advantage or to the detriment of another in a different way. immoral and insensitive, without feeling the need to undo the mistake.

How to recognize a compulsive liar

The mythomaniac is an individual who lies compulsively. Sometimes they are small lies, while other times they are picturesque, elaborated in detail, that induce everyone to believe them. In mythomania the patient consciously uses lying to deceive people and take advantage of it, he never admits his lies although he is fully aware that they are imaginary stories, and he is not embarrassed when his lies are discovered.

The diagnosis of mitomania can be made by the psychiatrist after a thorough evaluation with the individual. Learn How to Identify a Liar

What causes this disease

The causes of mythomania are not fully understood, but it is known that there are numerous psycho-social factors involved in the issue. Low self-esteem and the attempt to protect themselves from embarrassing situations are believed to mark the beginning of mythomania.

What is the treatment for compulsive lying

The treatment of mythomania can be done by taking medications and psychiatric and psychological sessions, but this pathological behavior becomes a lifestyle that is difficult to control like any other psychiatric illness. During the treatment, the collaboration of friends and family is important to raise the individual's self-esteem, offering all the love and understanding he needs to overcome the disease.

Mythomania has a cure?

Mythomania has a cure and it can be achieved with the therapies mentioned above, but in many cases a large financial and time investment is necessary for any results to be observed.
