Home Symptoms It's not the fattening gas

It's not the fattening gas


It isn’t the fattening gas, the gas is just carbon dioxide that has no caloric value and the body doesn’t assimilate in any way, but in general it is present in very sugary caloric drinks that therefore end up having a dehydrating effect and not " quench their thirst like water for example.

It has been proven that the presence of gas in beverages is not the biggest problem in industrialized soft drinks, but the presence of sugar, which may be related to cellulite and obesity and not the simple ingestion of carbon dioxide, which has no energy assimilable by the body..

Another myth is the possible bone decalcification, caused by the gas present in the soft drinks, which would acidify the blood and promote a gradual loss of bone mass, however this process is not confirmed because the carbon dioxide that reaches the blood is taken to the lungs, to be exchanged for oxygen, and never to exchange nutrients from blood or bone. Bubbles from carbonated drinks are like the air that is expelled from the lung as a result of food digestion.

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It's not the fattening gas