Home Symptoms Vestibular neuritis symptoms and how to treat

Vestibular neuritis symptoms and how to treat


Vestibular neuritis is inflammation of the vestibular nerve, a nerve that transmits information about the movement and balance of the body from the ear to the brain. Generally, this type of neuritis is caused by a virus, decreased blood flow to the inner ear, exposure to toxic agents, or allergic substances that damage the vestibular nerve.

The main symptom of vestibular neuritis is alterations in balance and frequent dizziness, it is important to consult an otorhinolaryngologist to make the diagnosis and start treatment, which can be through the use of drugs to relieve symptoms or undergo physical therapy.

Symptoms of vestibular neuritis

Symptoms of vestibular neuritis may begin as soon as inflammation of the nerve occurs or after resolution of the cause, with the symptoms being milder. The main symptoms of vestibular neuritis are:

  • Vertigo; Dizziness; Nausea; Vomiting; Imbalance; Difficulty walking.

The diagnosis of vestibular neuritis must be made by the otorhinolaryngologist and the audiometry exam is usually indicated, in which the person's hearing capacity is verified and, thus, it can be differentiated from other diseases such as Meniere's Syndrome and Labyrinthitis, for example. Understand how the audiometry exam is done.

Other types of neuritis

Neuritis can also happen in other places, receiving different names. Interdigital neuritis corresponds to inflammation of the interdigital nerves in the feet, causing pain when walking, and surgery is often necessary.

In the case of post-herpetic neuritis, the inflammation occurs due to infection by the herpes virus, resulting in muscle pain and, sometimes, temporary paralysis, requiring the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiviral drugs, for example.

Another type of neuritis is optic neuritis, in which there is inflammation of the optimal nerve, which generates pain in the eyes, loss of the ability to distinguish colors and loss of vision, for example, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist to start treatment. most appropriate. Learn more about optic neuritis.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of vestibular neuritis aims to decrease the symptoms of the disease, and antiemetic drugs for vomiting and medications such as Vertix can be used to treat dizziness and imbalances. Physiotherapy is very important in curing the disease, as it helps the individual to regain balance and reduce vertigo.

See also in the video below some exercises to reduce the attacks of dizziness:

Vestibular neuritis symptoms and how to treat