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Tasting and contest: what to eat


To make it easier to get a good grade in tests like the entrance exam and public exams, we show you the best secrets to boost your brain and turn it into a super computer!

So it is like this: in the days before the test, while you are studying all the subjects, it is important to feed your brain with additive fuel! It is true! Your brain needs a special type of food to improve memory and get super fast thinking.

While studying

1st Step: Bet on breakfast!

This is the best breakfast for those who will spend the day studying because it helps to awaken the brain, without getting lazy because of a full belly! Look that:

2nd Step: Don't forget to eat a little something before lunch !!!

How great! You will be able to stop for a few minutes to reset… and with a very good excuse!

These foods provide minerals and extra energy to keep pace and keep storing information:

3rd Step: Eat a mega healthy lunch!

Okay, it doesn't look like the most delicious food in the world… But omega 3 is great for stimulating your memory! Besides, if you eat a feijoada, it will make you sleepy. And you can't study with your eyes closed, right ?!

4th Step: Mid afternoon ?? Stop!

What are you going to eat now? We let you choose one of these 3 options, full of antioxidants to accelerate brain responses and improve learning ability:

5th Step: End the day well…

Behold, the meal plan is coming to an end (and today’s study too !!!).

Ah !! And if you're still studying and going to sleep late, don't forget to eat something before going to sleep! How about an oatmeal, a baked apple or a yogurt? Thus, you guarantee that you sleep well and wake up in a good mood!

In the right time

When the big day arrives, you run to the kitchen and get the best snacks to take to the test! Don't know what they are? Look here:

They help to reduce the negative effects of stress, so as not to "go white"!

And now, why not watch the entire video too? We will leave it here, oh:

Tasting and contest: what to eat