Home Symptoms Stop taking contraceptives: what happens in the body

Stop taking contraceptives: what happens in the body


When you stop using contraceptives, some changes in your body may appear, such as weight loss or gain, delayed menstruation, worsening of cramps and PMS symptoms. The risk of pregnancy will return as soon as the ovaries return to their normal function.

The contraceptive can be stopped at any time, but preferably, when the pack is finished, for better control of the cycle. These effects start to be felt about 2 weeks after the suspension of the medicine, when the body perceives the lack of artificial hormones and begins to have to produce them naturally, but this can vary according to each woman and the type of contraceptive used..

Thus, the main effects of the contraceptive suspension are:

1. Change in weight

It is known that the substances in this medication can cause fluid retention, with varying intensity according to each type, so it is common to lose a little after stopping. On the other hand, as stopping the contraceptive can cause greater fluctuations in the woman's mood, weight gain also occurs due to greater appetite, indisposition for physical activity and greater desire for sweets.

What to do: The ideal is to bet on a healthy diet, rich in calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium, such as vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, which help the body to balance hormone levels and eliminate toxins. These toxins worsen fluid retention and moodiness. Physical activity is essential to improve circulation, burn fat and regulate appetite.

2. Deregulation of menstruation

When stopping the use of contraceptives, the ovaries need to start producing their hormones again, and in addition to taking time, they are not as punctual and constant as they used to be with medicines.

What to do: These changes of a few days are usually normal, but if they are very intense, to the point of not having a period for 2 months, or menstruating 3 times a month, consult the gynecologist to make assessments of hormone levels and the functioning of the ovaries. A tip is to always write down the dates of menstruation and how long it lasted, to find out how the rhythm of your cycle works.

3. Worsening menstrual cramps

When we menstruate naturally, without the effects of the remedy, the tissue of the uterus thickens, which is a preparation for a possible pregnancy, causing worsening of cramps and blood flow during menstruation.

What to do: Taking anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or mefenamic acid, to relieve the symptoms of colic, in addition to compressing warm water in the belly or lumbar region, can relieve colic. Check out some tips to decrease menstrual cramps.

4. PMS and mood swings

As the female hormones, progesterone and estrogen, produced naturally in the ovaries have a more intense and abrupt variation throughout the month, when compared to when taking the contraceptive, it is more common to worsen PMS, with irritability, sadness, impulsivity, changes sleep and headache.

What to do: To alleviate PMS symptoms, you should bet on calming foods, such as passion fruit juice, chamomile tea, 1 piece of dark chocolate, as well as relaxation, meditation and stretching exercises. Check out more tips on how to fight the main symptoms of PMS.

5. Skin changes

Most pills decrease testosterone production, leaving your skin cleaner, drier and without clogging your pores, so when we stop using contraceptives, it is very common for the skin to have more oil and pimples. Some types of contraceptives, however, may have different compositions, so the effect may be the opposite.

What to do: To combat the oiliness of the skin, you can use some astringent lotions or soaps, bought at the pharmacy, and use 1 or 2 times a day. But, when the formation of pimples is more intense, it is necessary to go to the dermatologist for guidance on the use of more specific creams, such as benzoyl peroxide or adapalene.

6. Increased hair and libido

As many contraceptives limit the production of hormones, including testosterone, it is common that, when we stop using them, their production returns to the natural and more unwanted hair may appear, a slightly thicker voice, in addition to increased willingness to contact sexual.

What to do: Since these hormones are natural to the body, we must accept them and better understand how our body works naturally, in addition to talking with the partner about these changes. Undesirable hair, on the other hand, can take a little more work, but can be solved with hair removal or lightening techniques. Taking peppermint and marigold teas are great tips for the natural treatment of excess hair.

7. Higher amount of intimate secretions

It is common for women to feel that there is greater humidity in the intimate region, both in daily life and in intimate contact, which is part of the greater natural production of estrogen by the body.

What to do: This type of secretion is perfectly natural, and indicates that the ovaries are working well. It is important to have an exchange of underwear for each bath, to maintain hygiene and prevent the proliferation of microorganisms in the region.

How long does it take to get pregnant

The time of adaptation of the woman's body to the absence of contraceptive hormones can vary, usually between a few days and up to 1 year, especially if the use of this medication has been for many years. Injectable contraceptives, because they contain higher levels of hormones, can cause a longer delay for the ovaries and uterus to allow a pregnancy, however, everything will depend on the ability of each body to eliminate the artificial substances from the body and to produce its own.

There are foods that can help the body produce its own hormones and nutrients, and eliminate artificial contraceptive effects, especially those rich in zinc, vitamins B6, A, C, E and omega-3, such as eggs, fish, broccoli, oats, quinoa, wheat, sunflower seed and avocado. Learn more about how to increase fertility with food.

Stop taking contraceptives: what happens in the body