Home Symptoms 5 Reasons not to skip breakfast

5 Reasons not to skip breakfast


Skipping breakfast often ends up damaging weight loss and increasing the risk of diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol. The following are 5 explanations of what happens inside the body when the first meal of the day is left out.

1. Increase in weight and body fat

Rather than helping you lose weight, skipping breakfast contributes to increasing weight and the amount of body fat. This is because stopping eating the first meal of the day makes the body have more desire to eat and is prepared to absorb and enjoy all the calories that come in the next meals.

2. Lion famine during the day

Avoiding breakfast increases the anxiety of eating, which causes hunger and a desire for caloric foods, such as sweets, fried foods, snacks and processed foods. On the contrary, those with a full stomach do not think about more food, and end up eating healthier meals throughout the day.

3. It causes discomfort

Even after a long night of sleep, the body continues to function and expend energy, so when breakfast is left aside, changes in blood glucose occur which can cause nausea, dizziness, malaise and an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Thus, eating a meal upon waking is important so that the blood sugar level remains stable and controlled, avoiding complications and health problems.

4. Raises cholesterol

Skipping the first meal of the day is also linked to an increased risk of having high cholesterol and heart disease. This is because those who skip meals usually do not have a healthy diet and do not follow a balanced diet, which causes an increase in fat and cholesterol in the body.

5. Makes you more tired

Avoiding breakfast increases the feeling of body fatigue, even after a good night's sleep. In addition, staying fasting after waking decreases the brain's ability to concentrate, impairing work and study performance.

Tips for a TOP breakfast

To have a healthy breakfast, you should consume whole foods, rich in fiber and low in fats. Some examples of foods that can be eaten are wholemeal bread, tapioca, fruit, flaxseed, chia, oats, coffee, yogurt, skim milk or vegetable milk, such as soy milk and almond milk.

Breakfast should be taken up to 1 hour after waking up, and on days when time is short, you can take a reinforced snack to eat at work or before class, consisting of fruit, cereals such as oatmeal, and whole grain bread with cheese or some margarine.

5 Reasons not to skip breakfast