Home Bulls What is asexuality and how is the asexual relationship

What is asexuality and how is the asexual relationship


Asexuality corresponds to a sexual orientation characterized by the absence of interest in sex, despite enjoying intimacy and, therefore, the asexual person is capable of loving and emotionally engaging with a partner, maintaining a courtship or even marriage even without any penetrating sexual contact, most of the time, although masturbation and oral sex can happen.

This type of sexless relationship can be done with people of the same sex or not and is easier when both people in the couple are asexual. Asexuality is a sexual orientation similar to heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality, and, therefore, one should not judge or mistreat these people, since they all deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

What causes asexuality

While in sexual disorders and disorders there may be factors involved such as stress, depression, conflicts of religion, use of drugs that decrease libido, and hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism and hypogonadism, in asexuality the cause cannot be defined because there are no organic causes or psychological issues involved.

The clinical sexologist is the most appropriate health professional to treat disorders related to sexuality and, therefore, if the person thinks he has some type of disorder that needs treatment, he should look for this professional to achieve physical, emotional and sexual.

How is the asexual relationship

Asexual people can have a normal relationship, in which there is love, interest, involvement and even intimacy, including rare intercourse with penetration, masturbation or oral sex, however, even then, sexual contacts are less frequent. This is because asexuals believe that love is not necessarily linked to sex, and therefore they do not feel the need to feel sexually attracted in order to be in a relationship.

Although penetration during sexual intercourse rarely occurs in asexuality, due to lack of interest, masturbation can be used by men so that excess sperm is eliminated, as their bodies continue this production throughout a man's life. Thus, masturbation can happen among asexual people without sexual desire involved and without related sexual fantasies, being just a mechanical act.

How to differentiate asexuality from lack of sexual desire

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is a disease characterized by a lack of sexual fantasies and an unwillingness to have intimate contact, which generates anguish and suffering. In this case, the person had sexual desire but at some point, it decreased or ceased to exist. In these cases, sexual appetite can be increased through therapy, in which the possible cause of decreased libido is identified, in addition to natural measures. Check out some options for home remedies to increase sexual appetite.

In the case of asexuality, all organs and systems are functioning well, but the person has no desire or need to have penetrative sex, and is not concerned about it, so there is no anguish or suffering involved. When there are symptoms such as anguish and suffering, this symptom can indicate hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a disease that has several causes and that can be treated with simple measures. See what to do to increase interest in sex and improve intimate contact.

Difference between asexuality and celibacy

Celibacy is a choice where the person does not have intimate contact but there is also no courtship or marriage and that is why the person does not have any kind of closeness or intimacy, remaining single for life. A common example is the priests and nuns who decide for religious reasons not to have any kind of romantic relationship, however they can maintain the sexual desire and fight against this desire, repressing it.

In the case of asexuality, the person does not have any type of desire and therefore does not need to fight against these impulses, because they do not exist. These are called asexual and this is a permanent condition that lasts a lifetime, but there may be dating and marriage, but not always sex.

What is asexuality and how is the asexual relationship