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Auriculotherapy: what it is, how it is done and main points


Auriculotherapy is a natural therapy that consists of stimulation of points in the ears, which is why it is very similar to acupuncture.

According to auriculotherapy, the human body can be represented in the ear, in the shape of a fetus, and, therefore, each point refers to a specific organ. Thus, when this point is stimulated, it is possible to treat problems or alleviate symptoms in that same organ.

How auriculotherapy is performed

Before starting auriculotherapy treatment, it is very important to make an appointment with a specialized therapist to identify the main symptoms and try to understand which organs are affected.

After that, the therapist selects the most suitable points and puts pressure on the point. Pressure can be done using:

  • Filiform needles: are applied over the points for 10 to 30 minutes; Intradermal needles: are placed under the skin for about 7 days; Magnetic spheres: are glued to the skin for approximately 5 days; Mustard seeds: can be heated or not, and are glued to the skin for 5 days.

Stimulation of specific points in the ear to relieve pain or treat various physical or psychological problems, such as anxiety, migraine, obesity or contractures, for example.

In addition, auriculotherapy helps to diagnose and prevent some diseases by observing the specific points of the ear that are altered.

Auriculotherapy points

French auriculotherapy and Chinese auriculotherapy, although they consist of the same technique, are very different, as each country has prepared a different map of the ear with the specific points to be stimulated.

Who can do auriculotherapy

Auriculotherapy is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Pains from torsions, contractures or muscle strains, for example; Rheumatic, respiratory, cardiac, urinary, digestive, hormonal problems, such as obesity, anorexia or thyroid diseases, for example, and psychological, such as anxiety or depression.

In addition, auriculotherapy can also be used to treat hypertension, dizziness or palpitations, for example.

How to do auriculotherapy to lose weight

Auriculotherapy can also be used to lose weight, as certain specific points of the ear responsible for the intestine, stomach, fluid retention, anxiety, stress, sleep or desire to eat, for example, are stimulated so that the body acts on weight loss.

It is important that, in addition to auriculotherapy, a diet for weight loss recommended by a nutritionist, preferably, and exercise regularly.

See an example of a 1 week plan to lose weight and lose belly.

Auriculotherapy: what it is, how it is done and main points