Home Symptoms Bacteremia: how to identify and treat

Bacteremia: how to identify and treat


Bacteremia corresponds to the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream, which can happen due to surgical procedures or as a result of very strong tooth brushing, for example.

The presence of bacteria in the blood does not lead to the appearance of symptoms, however, as blood is one of the main ways of spreading the bacteria, the microorganism can go to different parts of the body and cause a generalized infection, also known as septic shock.. Understand what it is and what the symptoms of septic shock are.

The treatment of bacteremia is done with antibiotics depending on the species of the bacterium and its sensitivity profile, which is provided by the antibiogram. The use of antibiotics should be done according to the doctor's recommendation to avoid the emergence of resistant bacteria and possible complications. Learn how to take antibiotics correctly.

Main symptoms

The presence of bacteria in the bloodstream is usually asymptomatic, however, when the immune system responds due to the presence of the organism, there are symptoms that may be characteristic of sepsis or even septic shock, such as:

  • Fever; Change in respiratory rate; Chills; Decreased pressure; Increased heart rate; Change in the concentration of white blood cells, which can make a person more susceptible to disease.

These symptoms arise due to the accommodation of the bacteria in other regions of the body, such as organs or artificial materials present in the body, such as catheters or prostheses. Learn more about septicemia.

How to identify

Bacteremia is diagnosed in the laboratory by means of a complete blood count, in which reduced values ​​of leukocytes and alterations that suggest infection are observed. In addition, a blood culture is carried out, which is the microbiological examination in which the blood is grown in the laboratory in a proper container and under ideal temperature conditions. Blood collection for blood culture must be done by an experienced professional, as it is very easy to contaminate the material collected with bacteria present on the skin, which may indicate a false positive result.

When the blood culture is positive and the microorganism is identified, the bacterium is isolated so that the antibiogram can be made in order to verify which antibiotics the microorganism is sensitive or resistant to, thus indicating the best drug to treat bacteremia. Understand how the antibiogram is made.

In addition to blood culture, the doctor may request urinalysis, urine culture, sputum evaluation and culture of wound secretion, for example.

Causes of bacteremia

Bacteremia can be caused by everyday situations, such as brushing your teeth too hard, which can cause bacteria that are present in the oral cavity to enter the bloodstream, or due to surgical or dental procedures.

In addition, bacteremia can be the result of another infection or due to the use of non-sterile objects, as in the case of drug users, for example.

Bacteremia: how to identify and treat