Home Bulls What causes and how to treat stomach ulcer

What causes and how to treat stomach ulcer


A stomach ulcer is formed when changes in the defense mechanisms that protect the walls of the stomach or duodenum against gastric acid present there occur, and in general this is a complication or worsening of a previously existing gastritis.

The amount of gastric juice produced does not determine whether or not there is a risk of ulcer formation, as people with abundant secretion may never develop ulcers while others with low hydrochloric acid secretion may develop an ulcer.

Main causes of stomach ulcer

The most common causes of the development of a gastric ulcer are:

  • Medicines: Aspirin, Ibuprofen and other norsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause erosion and gastric ulcers especially in the elderly. They tend to heal when medication is stopped.Bacteria H. Pylori: Present in the stomach of the vast majority of people who develop peptic ulcer, it can interfere with normal defenses against gastric acid and produce a toxin that contributes to the formation ulcers. Stress: Increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and this can lead to an ulcer.Genetic change: Individuals who have cases of gastritis and ulcers in the family are more likely to develop this disease. acids or pungents take longer to digest and can favor the formation of ulcers.Excessive alcoholic beverages: When alcohol reaches the stomach it changes the pH of the region and causes the body to produce more hydrochloric acid, which contributes to the formation of the ulcer. Smoking: Studies suggest that cigarettes increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, favoring ulcers.

Thus, eliminating all these factors is an important part of the treatment, so that it has the expected effect.

How to treat stomach ulcer

Treatment for gastric ulcer can be done with antacid medications and antibiotics, when the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria is present. One of the most prescribed antacids in Brazil is Ranitidine, another is Omeprazole. These should be taken with medical advice. Antacids act in the body by decreasing the production of gastric juice and serve to control the disease and decrease symptoms.

As a form of natural treatment for ulcers, it is indicated:

  • Take the pure juice of the potato fasting daily, as it is an excellent natural anti-acid that has no contraindications; Adopt a lighter and healthier diet, giving preference to cooked vegetables, fruits and vegetables and lean cooked or grilled meats; Avoid stress, which favors ulcers; Exercise regularly.

With these measures it is possible to cure the ulcer faster and permanently end stomach pain.

What causes and how to treat stomach ulcer