Home Symptoms Yellowish sperm: 5 possible causes and what to do

Yellowish sperm: 5 possible causes and what to do


To be considered healthy, sperm, which can also be known as semen, must be a whitish or grayish substance, however, due to changes in diet or other lifestyle habits, semen can change color, it may be slightly more yellowish or even greenish.

Although, in most cases, this change is not considered a concern, because it does not last more than 1 day, there are more serious situations that can cause a more permanent change, such as dehydration, sexually transmitted diseases or liver problems, for example.

So, if there is any change in the semen that remains for more than a day or that is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain when urinating, severe itching in the penis or redness, it is very important to consult a urologist, to identify the correct cause and start the best treatment.

1. Consumption of industrialized

Most processed foods contain dyes that can change the colors of various body fluids, especially sperm. Thus, men who have consumed a large amount of these products may experience a temporary change in the color of the sperm.

In addition, a change in smell may also occur, especially if these products contain foods rich in sulfuric acid, such as onions or garlic.

What to do: the new color usually disappears naturally after an ejaculation and is not accompanied by any other symptoms, not a cause for concern.

2. Dehydration

Although the change in semen color is one of the less common symptoms of a condition of dehydration, it can also arise from decreased water consumption in daily life, especially because it contains remnants of concentrated urine, which may be present in the urethra and which ends up being mixed with sperm.

Therefore, before yellowish sperm appears, it is common to observe changes in the urine that indicate the presence of dehydration, such as darker urine, in less quantity and with a strong smell. See other signs that may indicate dehydration.

What to do: If you suspect that the change is being caused by dehydration, you should increase the amount of water ingested during the day or bet on foods rich in water. Here's how to drink more water during the day:

3. Sexually transmitted diseases

This is the most frequent cause of yellowish sperm that lasts for a long time and usually indicates the presence of pus in the semen, which may be caused by an infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. This type of infection usually arises in those who have more than one sexual partner and do not use a condom during sexual intercourse.

Generally, associated with color change, it is also normal to have other symptoms such as burning when urinating, itching in the penis, frequent urge to urinate, or even fever without an apparent cause.

What to do: Sexually transmitted infections need to be treated with specific antibiotics. Therefore, it is very important to consult the urologist if there is any suspicion of a disease, to start the most appropriate treatment. Check out how to identify the most common STDs and how each is treated.

4. Changes in the prostate

The presence of an inflammation or infection in the prostate usually leads to an increase in white blood cells, which can end up being included in the sperm, changing their color to yellow. Other common symptoms of these cases are pain when urinating, pain in the rectum region, excessive tiredness, fever and chills.

What to do: consult the urologist if there is suspicion of changes in the prostate, to make specific tests that help to identify a problem in the prostate, starting the most appropriate treatment. See which tests help to assess prostate health.

5. Liver problems

Changes in the functioning of the liver, due to diseases such as hepatitis or even the side effect of some medications, can lead to a change in the color of the semen to yellow. This is because, when the liver is unable to function properly, there is no effective way to eliminate excess bilirubin, which begins to accumulate in the blood and affect various tissues in the body, leading to jaundice.

When there is jaundice, in addition to the eyes turning yellow, the semen can also change and become more yellow due to the presence of bilirubin. See what other symptoms can indicate liver problems.

What to do: Ideally, you should see a urologist to check for other problems that may cause a change in semen color. However, if your doctor suspects a liver problem, you may be referred to a hepatologist.

Yellowish sperm: 5 possible causes and what to do