Home Symptoms Ketosis: what it is and how to identify

Ketosis: what it is and how to identify


Ketosis is a natural process of the body that aims to produce energy from fat when there is not enough glucose available. Thus, ketosis can happen due to periods of fasting or as a consequence of a restricted and low carbohydrate diet.

In the absence of glucose, which is the body's main energy source, the body starts to produce ketone bodies as an energy source, which are the result of the destruction of fat cells. These ketone bodies are transported to the brain and muscles, allowing the body to function properly.

One of the most characteristic and indicative symptoms that the person is in ketosis is the breath, which starts to have a smell similar to acetone, for example, which can happen during fasting or when doing the ketogenic diet.

Symptoms of ketosis

Symptoms of ketosis can vary from person to person and usually disappear after a few days. The main symptoms that the organism is in ketosis are:

  • Breath with metallic taste or bad breath, called halitosis; Increased urge to urinate; Increased thirst; Decreased hunger; Headache; Nausea; Weakness.

Confirmation of ketosis can be done by assessing the amount of ketone bodies in urine and blood, mainly. The presence of ketone bodies in the urine can be measured by means of a conventional urine test by changing the color of the ribbon used in this test. Despite being faster, the concentration of ketone bodies in the urine can vary according to the degree of hydration of the person, and can provide false-positive results when the person is dehydrated, or false-negative results when the person drinks a lot of water.

Thus, the best way to confirm ketosis is through a blood test, in which a small amount of blood is collected, sent to the laboratory and the concentration of ketone bodies is measured. Ketosis is usually considered when the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood is above 0.5 mmol / L.

Despite being more accurate, the blood test is invasive, being recommended only for monitoring people with decompensated diabetes. In other situations, the evaluation of ketosis can be done by examining urine or by using a specific ribbon to measure ketone bodies in urine.

Are ketosis and ketoacidosis the same thing?

Despite being characterized by the presence of ketone bodies in the blood, in ketoacidosis, the increase in ketone bodies happens due to some disease, whereas ketosis is a natural process.

Ketoacidosis is usually related to type I diabetes, in which due to the decrease in glucose inside the cells, the body starts to produce ketone bodies in an attempt to generate energy. The excess production of ketone bodies leads to a decrease in the pH of the blood, a situation that is called acidosis, which can lead to coma and even death when not resolved. Understand what is and how is the treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis.

Health effects of ketosis

As a result of fasting or a restricted diet, the body starts to use the fat stored in the body as an energy source, which can assist in the weight loss process, for example. In addition, the ketosis process provides enough energy for the brain so that it can perform the fundamental functions of the body during periods when the glucose supply is low.

However, although ketosis is a normal body process, it generates energy and can help with fat loss, it is important that there is a control of the amount of ketone bodies in the blood, since high concentrations can make the blood very acidic and lead to a coma, for example. Thus, it is recommended that fasting and restricted diets be done only under medical or nutritionist guidance.

Ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet aims to make the body use only fat from food and the body as an energy source. Thus, this diet is rich in fat and protein and low in carbohydrates, which causes the body to break down fat in order to generate ketone bodies, which are transported to the brain and muscles.

In this type of diet, carbohydrate consumption accounts for 10 to 15% of daily calories and consumption of high-fat foods is increased. Thus, in the ketogenic diet the nutritionist can recommend the consumption of nuts, seeds, avocado and fish and restrict the consumption of fruits and grains, for example. Here's how to do the ketogenic diet.

Because the ketogenic diet is very restricted, the body goes through an adaptation period, in which diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, for example, may occur. Thus, it is important that this diet is made under the supervision of the nutritionist so that adaptations and the control of ketone bodies in the urine and blood can be made.

Check out in the following video how the ketogenic diet should be done:

Ketosis: what it is and how to identify