Home Symptoms What to eat during scarlet fever

What to eat during scarlet fever


During scarlet fever you should eat liquid or pasty foods, such as yogurt, natural juices or porridges, for example, and soft fruits, such as papaya or avocado, because in addition to being easier to swallow, they facilitate the recovery of the patient who needs to eat to recover more quickly from this disease which, although not serious, can greatly weaken the child who has to take antibiotics for approximately 10 days.

Diet menu for child with scarlet fever

This is an example of a scarlet fever diet menu with foods that are easier for the patient to eat during the scarlet fever healing process, especially during the first few days, until the medication starts to decrease symptoms and appetite and the ability to eat normally return to normal.

  • Breakfast - banana smoothie; Collation - gelatin with yogurt; Lunch - mashed potatoes with ground beef and tomato sauce. For dessert, baked apple with cinnamon; Snack - pudding or flan; Dinner - pumpkin cream; Supper - oatmeal.

When the medication starts to take effect, the food can return to normal consistency, according to the patient's wishes and preferences. However, one of the side effects of the treatment may be diarrhea and, in this case, it is important to hydrate the child well, because at the end of the treatment the diarrhea usually passes.

See also how scarlet fever treatment is done with drugs at: Treatment for scarlet fever.

How food helps to treat scarlet fever

Although scarlet fever is not a serious disease, it is important not to allow the child to lose too much weight during the healing process, so as not to weaken the immune system. Therefore, it is important to offer foods that she likes and in the correct consistency so that she can swallow without discomfort, so that she eats more, facilitating recovery.

Thus, offering liquid or soft consistency foods allows the patient with scarlet fever, who is usually a child or adolescent, to swallow more easily and eat with less pain, because in scarlet fever, pain in the throat and tongue are two of the main discomforts that take away your appetite and make you weaker.

In addition, hydration helps to lower the fever and reduce the child's malaise. Therefore, it is important to always give her plenty of water, sweet tea, gelatin, soup and orange juice throughout the medication treatment guided by the doctor, which should take about 7 to 10 days to speed up the recovery.

2 days after the start of antibiotic treatment, it is possible that the scarlet fever symptoms start to decrease, especially the pain in the throat and, therefore, the food must be in accordance with the patient's acceptance and, thus, when the patient is able to eat harder foods it is important to let him eat, but medical treatment should be continued until the end, according to medical advice.

What to eat during scarlet fever