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How to eat before, during and after a pilgrimage


During long walks it is necessary to pay attention to food and hydration so that the body has energy and regains the muscle mass used throughout the day. In pilgrimages, it is common for participants to walk 20 to 35 km a day, which requires physical preparation and a balanced diet to maintain such an effort.

It is common that during the walking period weight loss and fainting occur due to tiredness and dehydration, especially when the route is done in hot climates or when support points are lacking along the way. So, here's what food should be like during long walks:

Food Before Walking

About 3 to 4 days before starting the walk, you should increase your intake of foods rich in carbohydrates, which will increase the energy reserves located in the liver and muscle mass. Thus, carbohydrates must be included in all meals, and are mainly represented by foods such as rice, bread, pasta, tapioca, couscous, farofa, juices, fruits, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The consumption of proteins and fats must be kept within the natural standard, and foods such as olive oil, meat, chicken or fish should be consumed for lunch and dinner, and eggs, cheese, nuts and milk for snacks and breakfast.

Food During the Walk

As the consumption of calories is very high during walking due to great physical effort, it is necessary to consume foods that are easy to digest and rich in carbohydrates and energy throughout the day. For this phase it is advisable to use fruits, fruit juices, sweets like rapadura, marmalade, dark chocolate and energy drinks. In addition, you can also use foods such as nuts, peanuts, cereal bars and

In addition, it is also necessary to be aware of the consumption of proteins, which will both provide energy for the exercise and recover the muscle mass that will be worn out along the way. Thus, breakfast should be rich in foods such as eggs, cheese and milk, and during lunch it is necessary to have a more complete meal, preferring lean meats and only a small amount of salad, to allow a faster and more adequate digestion. See protein-rich foods.

Feeding After Walking

At the end of the day's walking, it is important to drink plenty of water and fluids rich in carbohydrates to help rehydrate, such as juices and vitamins. Right after the end of the physical effort, you should consume a protein cereal bar or a protein supplement to start the muscle recovery process. Another option is to make a snack with good protein sources, such as a chicken and cheese sandwich, even before dinner.

Then, dinner should be rich in carbohydrates to replenish muscle mass energy stores, and should contain foods such as rice, pasta, potatoes or manioc flour, for example. In addition, a new source of protein should be eaten, preferably chicken, lean meats or fish.

How to stay hydrated

The best way to stay hydrated is to watch for signs of thirst and always walk with water, juices or isotonic drinks in your backpack. It is recommended that men consume at least 2 liters of water per day, while women should consume at least 1.5 liters.

To avoid seasickness and discomfort due to excess fluids in the stomach, small amounts of water should be ingested at least 20 minutes apart. A good tip is to drink 3 to 4 glasses of water at least 4 hours before the beginning of the walk, to start the route well hydrated.

Use of Supplements

In addition to natural foods, carbohydrate supplements in the form of gels or cereal bars rich in protein and carbohydrates can also be used, as they are easy options to carry in your backpack and use at any time of the day.

In some cases, the walker may also use nutritional powdered supplements that contain both carbohydrates and proteins, as they are easily diluted in water to be consumed during the journey.

Another option is to make your own homemade isotonic, as shown in the following video:

How to eat before, during and after a pilgrimage