Home Symptoms What to eat in the dumping syndrome

What to eat in the dumping syndrome


In Dumping Syndrome patients should eat a diet low in sugar and rich in protein, eating small amounts of food throughout the day.

This syndrome usually arises after bariatric surgery, such as gastrectomy, with the rapid passage of food from the stomach to the intestine and causing symptoms such as nausea, weakness, sweating, diarrhea and even fainting.

Dumping Syndrome Diet

Most people with Dumping Syndrome improve if they follow the diet guided by a nutritionist, and should:

  • Consume protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs and cheese; Consuming high amounts of fiber-rich elements, such as cabbage, almonds or passion fruit, for example, as it reduces glucose absorption. In some cases, it may be necessary to take a nutritional fiber supplement. Get to know other foods at: Fiber rich foods.

Fiber-rich foods

Low Carb Foods

The nutritionist will make a menu suited to your daily needs, preferences and tastes.

What not to eat in Dumping Syndrome

In Dumping Syndrome you should avoid:

  • Foods rich in sugar such as cakes, cookies or soft drinks, it is important to look on the food label for the words lactose, sucrose and dextrose, because they are quickly absorbed and cause worsening of symptoms. See what foods you can eat at: Foods low in Carbohydrates. Drink fluids during meals, leaving your consumption for up to 1 hour before main meals or 2 hours after. Lactose foods, especially milk and ice cream, which increase intestinal transit.

Below is a table with some recommended foods and those to avoid to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Food Group Recommended Foods Foods to avoid
Bread, cereals, rice and pasta Soft and sliced ​​breads, rice and pasta, biscuits without filling Breads, hard or with seeds; butter cookies
Vegetables Cooked or mashed vegetables Hardwoods, raw and gas-forming such as broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, cucumber and peppers
Fruit Cooked Raw, in syrup or with sugar
Milk, yogurt and cheese Natural yogurt, cheese and soy milk Milk, chocolate and milkshakes
Meat, poultry, fish and eggs Boiled and roasted, ground, shredded fish Hard meats, breaded and eggnog with sugar
Fats, oils and sugars Olive oil and vegetable fats Syrups, foods with concentrated sugar like marmalade.
Drinks Unsweetened tea, water and juices Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and sugared juices

After bariatric weight loss surgery, it is essential to follow the prescribed diet to prevent the problem from becoming a chronic problem. Learn more at: Food after bariatric surgery.

How to avoid the symptoms of Dumping Syndrome

Some tips that can help in the treatment and control of the symptoms that the Dumping Syndrome causes, include:

  • Eat small meals, using a dessert plate and eating at regular times every day; Eat slowly, counting the number of times you chew each food, which should be between 20 and 30 times; Do not taste the food while cooking; Chew sugarless gum or brush your teeth whenever you are hungry and have already eaten; Do not take pans and dishes to the table; Avoid eating and watching television or talking on the phone, for example, as it will cause distraction and eat more; Stop eating as soon as you feel full, even if you still have food on your plate; Do not lie down after meals or exercise an hour after eating, as it reduces gastric emptying; Do not go shopping on an empty stomach; Make a list of foods that your stomach cannot tolerate and avoid them.

These guidelines help to prevent the patient from developing symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness in the belly, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas or even tremors and sweating.

Learn more at: How to relieve the symptoms of Dumping Syndrome.

What to eat in the dumping syndrome