Home Symptoms What to eat and not to eat with a sore throat

What to eat and not to eat with a sore throat


To relieve sore throat, foods like honey, warm lemon tea or ginger are excellent options because they help to reduce the sensation of irritation and pain in the throat, in addition to strengthening the immune system so that the body better combats inflammation.

To reduce sore throat it is important to avoid consuming very hard, icy and acidic foods, as it can further irritate the throat and increase the pain. The ideal is to give preference to more pasty foods, such as porridge, yogurt and soups, for example.

What not to eat with a sore throat

Foods to avoid when having a sore throat are hard foods such as toast, cereal or granola because they can scratch your throat when swallowing and increase the pain. Cold foods, such as ice cream, should also be avoided and acidic fruit juices, such as orange or pineapple, because they increase the pain when it passes through the sore throat.

Acid fruits are good for strengthening the immune system, so they should be used when you have a sore throat, but in vitamins and not as juice, because when mixed with milk it decreases acidity and no longer causes pain when passing through the throat.

Ideal food for sore throat

The diet to relieve sore throat has to be made with liquid foods and with a pasty consistency, so as not to cause pain when swallowing food or cause irritation in the throat, increasing the pain. Some examples of foods that can help relieve sore throat are:

  • Porridge; Vegetable soups; Fruit or vegetable purees; Non-acid fruit juices; Vitamins; Yogurt; Gelatin; Scrambled eggs.

In addition to these foods, it is important to use garlic and onions in the preparation of foods because they have the substance Alicina, which is anti-inflammatory. If the sore throat does not subside in three days, you should see a doctor, as it may be necessary to take medication. Know which are the remedies for sore throat that can be indicated by the doctor.

Menu for sore throat

An excellent suggestion of what to eat during the period when your throat hurts, to relieve the discomfort, can be:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal. Lunch - soup with carrots and for dessert, mashed banana. Snack - strawberry smoothie. Dinner - scrambled eggs with mashed potatoes and pumpkin. As a dessert, ripe or cooked pear.

Throughout the day it is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water, which can be taken in the form of ginger tea or echinacea, but other good alternatives can also be mallow, sage or alteia, which are teas with anti-aging properties. inflammatory.

Another suggestion to relieve sore throat is to take a teaspoon of honey, as it is possible to strengthen the immune system. Know other home remedies for sore throat.

Is chocolate bad for a sore throat?

Chocolate has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, in addition to having fat, which helps lubricate the throat and is therefore considered a great home remedy for sore throat. See other benefits of chocolate.

Best natural solutions against sore throat

Watch the following video on how to use mint, honey, chocolate, ginger, propolis and other homemade solutions to fight sore and irritated throat:

What to eat and not to eat with a sore throat