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What to eat to relieve the effects of radiation therapy


The side effects of radiotherapy usually appear 2 or 3 weeks after the start of treatment and can remain for up to 6 months after the end of treatment and include nausea, vomiting, fever and body pain, in addition to hair loss.

In addition to these can also appear anemia, thrush, red and irritated gums and tongue, changes in the taste of food, lack of appetite, general malaise with a feeling of heaviness in the legs, painful joints, and dehydration. However, low doses of radiation therapy may not even cause side effects.

Learn how to alleviate the most common side effects.

How to relieve itching and skin irritation

You can wash the area with cold water, because warm or hot water tends to make itching and skin irritation worse. Taking plantain tea can be useful to relieve this discomfort, but the doctor may also prescribe some ointment to apply to the affected skin, bringing relief from symptoms.

How to Fight Loss of Appetite

To improve your appetite and be able to eat well you should eat whenever you are hungry, choosing healthy and nutritious foods such as liquid yogurt, fruit smoothie or bread and cheese, for example.

Dripping lemon droplets on your tongue before you start eating or chewing on pieces of ice are homemade strategies that help curb your appetite. Other useful tips are to use aromatic herbs in the meals and to vary the menu not to get sick of the food. See how to plant and use aromatic herbs by clicking here.

How to fight pain in the mouth or throat

You should choose to keep your mouth always well hydrated, so it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water or tea a day and prefer soft foods like bananas, watermelons, vegetable purees, pasta, porridge and eggs.

You should avoid citrus fruits like pineapple, orange and very salty foods, toast and cookies that can hurt your mouth. Sucking on bullets can be helpful to prevent dry mouth.

How to fight nausea and vomiting

In addition to avoiding fatty and fried foods, it is important to avoid those that have very intense aromas, giving preference to dry foods such as toast, bread, biscuits and frozen foods, such as fruit left in the refrigerator, gelatin, cold porridge, milk and cold yogurt, chicken roasted or boiled.

In addition, you should eat small amounts at a time, wear loose clothing and avoid stuffy places.

How to fight Diarrhea

Drink plenty of fluids during the day and after each episode of diarrhea, you should avoid fried foods, fats, broccoli, beans, peas and cauliflower, in addition to pepper and curry. You should choose foods low in fiber such as white bread, eggs, cheese, ripe bananas, chicken, fish or lean beef.

Drinking coconut water can be a good strategy to replace fluids and minerals, but homemade whey is also a good option. Learn how to prepare the homemade serum correctly in the following video:

How to Fight Constipation

Opt for fiber-rich foods like whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits and whole grains at every meal. Try to do some physical exercise to improve your bowel function and try to eat a glass of plain yogurt with 1 slice of papaya every morning.

Drinking lots of fluids and adding 1 tablespoon of beneficiber can be useful to loosen the intestine, but laxatives that are bought at the pharmacy should be avoided and only used under medical advice.

How To Combat Exaggerated Weight Loss

In the fight against cancer weight loss is common, even when the person eats as before. Thus, it is important to increase your calorie intake by adding spoons of powdered milk to the glass of milk, sour cream in the gelatin, putting honey on the fruit and putting granola in the yogurt, for example.

Anemia is also common and can be treated with increased consumption of iron-rich foods like black beans, beets and açaí, for example. See more examples of these foods by clicking here.

How to facilitate hair growth

After the fall, what can be done to make the hair grow faster should be given preference to foods rich in protein because they are responsible for the growth of the hair. Thus, it is recommended to consume meat, milk, eggs, tuna, nuts, walnuts and almonds.

Massaging the scalp several times a day, using a fine comb or a soft brush to increase local blood circulation, and this also helps to make hair grow faster. See more tips here.

What to eat to relieve the effects of radiation therapy