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What to eat to control asthma


Asthma is a disease that causes inflammation of the airways and bronchial hyperreactivity, so it is important that people with asthma consume foods that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as foods rich in omega-3, for example.

In addition, the consumption of foods rich in sugar should be avoided, since carbohydrates consume more oxygen when they are digested, increasing respiratory work and muscle fatigue.

All of these nutritional recommendations are aimed at relieving symptoms and decreasing the frequency with which asthma attacks arise. Food alone does not help to cure asthma, but to improve it, and, therefore, it complements the pharmacological treatment indicated by the pulmonologist.

Asthma sufferers, both adults and children, must eat a healthy diet, following the following recommendations:

1. Include anti-inflammatory foods in the diet

Anti-inflammatory foods decrease the production of substances in the body that stimulate inflammation of the lung tissue. In addition to favoring the immune system, making the body more resistant against other diseases, such as the flu or a cold, for example.

Omega-3, vitamin C, vitamin A and E, allicin, polyphenols, among other substances, are potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the foods that can be included in daily life are salmon, tuna, sardines, olive oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, orange, strawberry, kiwi, guava, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, onion, among others.

2. Ingest adequate protein

In some cases, asthma treatment is done using steroids. However, this type of medicine can increase the breakdown of the body's proteins. Therefore, during its administration it is important to eat larger amounts of protein-rich foods, especially in the case of children, who are growing up.

3. Increase fluid consumption

To help fluidize and eliminate secretions produced as a result of asthma more easily, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, and water, teas or natural juices without sugar can be consumed.

4. Decrease sugar consumption

It is important for people with asthma to avoid health and foods rich in simple sugars and saturated fats, in addition to industrialized products, especially during a crisis. These foods are pro-inflammatory, so they favor the inflammation of the body and decrease the defenses, making it difficult to control asthma.

In addition, excessive consumption of foods rich in sugar can make breathing difficult, since during its metabolism more oxygen is used to be digested and more carbon dioxide is released, causing fatigue in the respiratory muscles.

For this reason, the consumption of soft drinks, white sugar, cookies, chocolates, cakes, sweets, snacks, pre-cooked meals and fast food should be avoided.

5. Decrease consumption of foods rich in omega-6

It is important that the consumption of omega-6 is not greater than the consumption of omega-3, because it can also increase the inflammation of the body. Some examples of foods rich in omega 6 are soy oil, apple oil and sunflower oil.

6. Avoid being overweight

Excess weight in people with asthma can make breathing difficult, since excess body fat puts pressure on the rib cage and favors both structural and functional deterioration of the respiratory muscles.

It is important in these cases to eat a balanced diet with a reduction in the amount of calories ingested, and you should seek guidance from a nutritionist to carry out a nutritional plan adapted to the person's needs.

7. Practice physical activity

There are some exercises that help to increase breathing capacity and improve asthma, in addition to helping to maintain or decrease weight, in the case of the overweight person, improve the heart rate and the immune system. These exercises are swimming, walking and doing yoga.

Before performing any physical activity, you should talk to the doctor so that they are indicated which strategies should be followed.

Asthma menu option

Main meals Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of coffee with milk + spinach omelet Oat pancake with butter and cocoa + chopped fruit 2 slices of wholemeal bread with white cheese + 1 orange juice juice
Morning snack 1 plain yogurt with 1 tablespoon of oats 1 medium kiwi 20 units of peanuts + 2 slices of pineapple
Lunch dinner 1 grilled salmon fillet + brown rice + sautéed asparagus with 1 teaspoon of olive oil 100 grams of chicken stroganoff + quinoa + broccoli salad with carrots seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil 100 ranges of grilled chicken breast with roasted potatoes + lettuce, onion and tomato salad seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and vinegar
Afternoon snack 1 medium tangerine 1 plain yogurt with 1/2 sliced ​​banana + 1 teaspoon of chia 2 whole toast with 2 tablespoons of avocado and 1 scrambled egg

The amounts indicated vary according to age, sex, physical activity and associated disease, and it is important to seek guidance from a nutritionist so that a complete evaluation can be carried out and the most appropriate nutritional plan is checked according to the person's needs.

Check out the following video for more tips to relieve asthma:

What to eat to control asthma