Home Symptoms What to eat to cure the flu or cold faster

What to eat to cure the flu or cold faster


Choosing well what to eat in the flu can greatly improve the well-being of the child, adult or elderly person because it helps to reduce the symptoms of fever, nasal congestion, body pain and feeling tired.

During the flu it is important to increase the intake of calories and fluids to decrease the feeling of tiredness, because the body increases the metabolism to compensate for the wear and tear in the fight against disease and in addition to drinking a lot of water increases diuresis and the release of toxins through the urine the body to get rid of the virus.

The best foods to eat while having a cold are raw or cooked teas, soups, fruits and vegetables.

5 Foods To Fight Flu Or Cold

So, what should be eaten in the flu are foods like:

1. Vegetable soup or soup

Eating a soup helps fluidize secretions and expectorate more easily. In addition, the steam from hot vegetables also helps to unclog the nose.

Chicken soup is a great example of a good flu soup because it has vitamins A, C and E and protein, which help the body to regain strength and increase the resistance of the immune system. In addition, the soup has sodium and potassium that help regulate body temperature, being useful in case of fever.

2. Herbal teas

Tea is a great home remedy for flu because in addition to moisturizing it is a drink that is taken hot and steam helps in nasal decongestion. A good example of tea is chamomile, echinacea, mint and Ginseng tea, which can be taken or inhaled to help unclog the nose.

In the case of inhalation, one of the most recommended teas for this purpose is eucalyptus and to perform inhalation, prepare the tea and lean your head over the cup, breathing its steam.

Cinnamon tea with honey is also a great solution because it has antiseptic and antibacterial medicinal properties that help in the treatment of flu. Just boil 1 cup of water with 1 cinnamon stick and let it stand for 5 minutes. Strain and then take, 3 to 4 times a day. Honey with propolis can be added to tea to lubricate the throat and reduce inflammation in case of cough.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables increase the amount of water, fiber and vitamins C, A and Zinc, making the body better able to react to the virus in the production of antibodies. Being a good source of energy for the body that is weak. The most suitable are citrus fruits such as strawberry, orange, pineapple and lemon that strengthen immunity.

Cabbage, carrots and tomatoes are sources of beta-carotene, act against infections and stimulate the immune system.

Lack of appetite is a common symptom in the flu that causes the disease to continue and that is why the consumption of nutritious foods, easy to digest and rich in water, such as those mentioned above, help in recovering from the flu.

Watch the video to learn how to speed up the flu cure:

4. Yogurt or fermented milk

The consumption of yogurts and milks fermented with probiotics during the flu state helps to improve the intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system because they activate the body's defense cells, shortening the time of the flu. Yakult and Activia are good examples of yogurt rich in lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria that can be used to prevent and treat flu.

5. Spices that heal

Garlic, mustard, pepper are useful to decongest the nose and dissolve phlegm, in addition to having natural action that reduces fever and body aches. So, use these condiments in meals while you have the flu, also eating lean meats that are an excellent source of protein and are great when well seasoned.

Rosemary, oregano and basil are also great options for seasoning and fighting the symptoms of flu and cold.

Check out the following video about what the flu diet should be like:

What to eat to cure the flu or cold faster