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Foods that help or harm the thyroid


To regulate the thyroid, it is important to have a diet rich in iodine, selenium and zinc, important nutrients for the proper functioning of this gland and which can be found in foods such as fish, seafood and Brazil nuts.

In addition, it is important to remember that the primary means of treatment for thyroid disease is the use of specific medications indicated by the doctor to control symptoms. See which medicines are used in the treatment in Thyroid Remedies.

Good Thyroid Foods

The nutrients and foods important to regulate the thyroid naturally, being useful both in case of hypothyroidism and in case of hyperthyroidism, are:

  • Iodine: sea ​​fish, all seaweed, shrimp, egg. See more about iodine's functions at: Iodine prevents infertility and thyroid problems. Zinc: oysters, meat, pumpkin seeds, beans, almonds, peanuts; Selenium: Brazil nuts, wheat flour, bread, egg; Omega-3: avocado, flaxseed oil and high-fat fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna;

These nutrients help in the formation of thyroid hormones and in their performance in the body, keeping the metabolism balanced. It is also important to remember that in Brazil table salt is added with iodine, a measure used to prevent thyroid problems, such as goiter.

Here's how food can help:

Foods that damage the thyroid

Soy and its derivatives, such as milk and tofu, are the main foods that can contribute to deregulate the thyroid. However, this risk is only greater for people with a family history of problems in this gland, who do not consume iodine properly or who have a diet rich in refined carbohydrates, such as sweets, pasta, breads and cakes.

In addition, people who already take thyroid medications should avoid consuming foods rich in calcium, such as milk and dairy products, and iron supplements, as they can lessen the effect of the medicine. Thus, the best option is to take the medication at least 2 hours before or after meals.

Other foods that damage the thyroid are vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cabbage and spinach that contain glucosinolates and therefore should not be eaten raw daily, however when they are cooked, stewed or sautéed it is possible to consume these vegetables normally.

Anyone who has a thyroid disorder should also reduce the consumption of sugar and foods such as industrialized bread and cake, for example which are rich in sugars, yeasts and additives because these can also disrupt the metabolism and decrease the production of thyroid hormones.

Foods that help or harm the thyroid