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Complete list for baby layette


Have you bought everything for your seed? Crib, pushchair, stroller, clothes, shoes or bib, are some of the important items that should come on the list of things to buy for the baby that is on the way.

Preparing the baby's layette is a very important period for parents, as this way they can prepare to receive the new member of the family, at the same time that they think that their life will change. This is a task that may not be as easy as it sounds, as there are many items that need to be purchased. So, to help parents in this task of buying and preparing everything for the arrival of the baby, here is a short list to compose a basic baby layette, but with everything that may be necessary:

What the baby layette cannot miss

1. Furniture

The furniture is one of the important things of the baby's layette, being necessary: ​​cradle, musketeer, changing table, chair or sofa to breastfeed, cupboard, coffee table or cribs.

2. Hygiene Products

Baby hygiene products are another very important item on the list, being necessary: ​​baking cream, box of cotton swabs, brush or comb, scissors, alcohol, cotton, baby wipes, neutral soap, shampoo, thermometer, bathtub, towel, disposable and cloth diapers, medium bag to carry the products for baby's exchanges outside the home.

To calculate the number of diapers your baby needs, try our calculator. To start, choose how much diaper you need: weeks or months, or baby shower:

3. Clothes

Baby clothes should be comfortable and easy to change in diaper changes, being recommended: pagan shirts, jumpsuits - with and without sleeves, t-shirts, underwear, sets with coat, cap, socks and shoes, bib, blankets, blanket, sheets and pillowcases, cot protector, pillow.

In addition, clothes are also needed in the baby's bag for the hospital, see other items in what should be in the baby's bag in the hospital.

4. Food

For the baby's feeding, there are some items that are needed such as: bottle, shower, pacifier, plate, cutlery, glass with handle.

5. Baby stroller

When buying a baby stroller, you must take into account the comfort, resistance and practicality of the stroller, in addition to the price is also a very important factor, as there are strollers that can be quite expensive. There are some types of strollers that are very practical, as they come in conjunction with the car seat, making it possible to use the same base in both situations. In addition, there are also strollers that are suitable for different ages, which makes them adapted to accompany the growth of the baby.

Before buying the stroller, you should always try taking a walk with it in the store, to ensure that it is light and easy to maneuver and that it has all the features you need.

This short list for the baby's layette serves as a guide for parents, it is important to remember that it can be adapted according to financial conditions.

In addition, all clothes, blankets, sheets, blankets, pillowcases or blankets must first be washed before being used by the baby, and all labels must be removed. To prepare baby clothes, they should be washed alone with baby detergents without enzymes and mild softeners, and must be dried inside the house to avoid contact with pollution and dust from outside.

Complete list for baby layette