Home Symptoms Feeding the child doing physical activity

Feeding the child doing physical activity


The child who practices physical activity should eat daily, bread, meat and milk, for example, which are foods rich in energy and protein to ensure the potential for development in the practice of the activity. In addition, it is essential to eat vegetables and fruit every day and drink water throughout the day, avoiding very sweet and salty and especially industrialized foods.

The practice of exercise during childhood is extremely important, as it contributes to the growth of muscles and bones and helps to maintain the appropriate body weight, avoiding complications that result from a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity. Thus, in addition to playing in the school playground, children must practice a sport, such as skating or basketball for 60 minutes a day.

Feeding the active child

The active child, who plays in the garden, runs in the school playground or does some sport such as swimming or football, for example, should consume:

  • Foods rich in carbohydrates at every meal, such as bread, cereals, rice and pasta, for example, to provide energy. Get to know the foods at: Foods rich in carbohydrates. Eat foods rich in protein especially after physical activity, such as chicken, egg, milk or yogurt. Eat at least 2 fruits a day, which is rich in vitamins and prevents infections, especially before practicing physical activity or as a dessert; Eat vegetables every day, eating soup for lunch and dinner; Drink water throughout the day, as it hydrates and helps regulate body temperature. However, the child who does sports, should drink up to 15 min before exercising and during the exercise, every 15 min, between 120 and 300 ml.

Children who are active and who practice physical activity spend more energy than those who do not and therefore need to eat more calories, approximately 2000 calories daily, which should be divided over at least 6 meals a day, not should spend more than 3.5 hours without eating, in order to maintain energy and a good school performance.

Feeding menu for the child who practices physical activity

The following is an example of a day's menu for the child who is active.

Breakfast (8am) Milk, 1 bread with jam and 1 fruit
Collation (10.30h) 250 ml of strawberry smoothie and 1 handful of almonds
Lunch (13h) pasta with meat, with salad and gelatin
Afternoon snack (16h) Vanilla pudding
Snack before the sport (18h) 2 toast with turkey ham and 1 fruit
Dinner (8.30 pm) cooked rice, beans, chicken and vegetables
Supper (22h) 1 plain yogurt

Fried foods, soft drinks, cookies and cakes should not be consumed regularly and should never be an option before physical activity, as they lead to the feeling of a full stomach causing discomfort.

Learn how to make healthy snacks for children to take to school.

Feeding the child doing physical activity