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Diplopia: what it is, causes and treatment


Diplopia, also called double vision, happens when the eyes are not correctly aligned, transmitting images of the same object to the brain, but from different angles. People with diplopia are unable to fuse the images of both eyes into a single image, creating the feeling that you are seeing two objects instead of just one.

The most common types of diplopia are:

  • Monocular diplopia, in which double vision appears only in one eye, being perceived only when one eye is open; Binocular diplopia, in which double vision occurs in both eyes and disappears by closing either eye; Horizontal diplopia, when the image appears duplicated to the sides; Vertical diplopia, when the image is replicated upwards or downwards.

The double vision is curable and the person can see again normally and in a focused way, however the treatment to achieve the cure varies according to the cause and, therefore, it is important that the ophthalmologist is consulted for an evaluation to be made. and proper treatment can be started.

Main causes of diplopia

Double vision can happen due to benign changes that pose no risk to the person, such as misalignment of the eyes, but it can also happen due to more serious problems with vision, such as cataracts, for example. Other major causes of diplopia are:

  • Blows to the head; Vision problems, such as strabismus, myopia or astigmatism; Dry eye; Diabetes; Multiple sclerosis; Muscle problems, such as myasthenia; Brain injuries; Brain tumor; Brain stroke; Excessive alcohol use; Drug use.

It is important to consult an ophthalmologist whenever double vision is maintained or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache and difficulty seeing, for example, so that the diagnosis can be made and treatment started. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of vision problems.

How the treatment is done

In some cases, diplopia may disappear on its own, without the need for treatment. However, in case of persistence or other symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, it is important to consult the ophthalmologist to make the diagnosis and start treatment.

The treatment for diplopia consists of treating the cause of double vision, with eye exercises, glasses, lenses or surgery to correct vision problems being indicated.

Diplopia: what it is, causes and treatment