Home Bulls Aortic dissection: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Aortic dissection: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Aortic dissection, also known as aortic dissection, is a relatively rare medical emergency, where the innermost layer of the aorta, called the intima, undergoes a small tear, through which blood can infiltrate, reaching the most distant layers. deep in the vessel and causing symptoms such as severe and sudden chest pain, shortness of breath and even fainting.

Although rare, this condition is more common in men over 60, especially when there is a medical history of unregulated high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, drug use or some other heart problem.

When there is a suspicion that there is a dissection of the ortho, it is very important to go quickly to the hospital, since when it is identified in the first 24 hours, there is a higher rate of treatment success, which is usually done with drugs directly in the vein to control blood pressure. and surgery.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of aortic dissection can vary widely from person to person, however, they can include:

  • Sudden and severe pain in the chest, back or abdomen; Feeling of shortness of breath; Weakness in the legs or arms; Fainting Difficulty speaking, seeing or walking; Weak pulse, which may happen only on one side of the body.

Since these symptoms are similar to several other heart problems, it is possible that the diagnosis will take longer in people who already have a previous cardiac condition, requiring several tests. Check out 12 symptoms of heart problems.

Whenever symptoms of heart problems appear, it is very important to go quickly to the hospital to identify the cause and start treatment as soon as possible.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of ortho dissection is usually made by a cardiologist, after assessing the symptoms, the person's medical history and having tests such as chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, computed tomography and magnetic resonance.

What causes aortic dissection

Aortic dissection usually occurs in an aorta that is weakened and is therefore more common in people who have a history of high blood pressure or atherosclerosis. However, it can also happen due to other conditions that affect the aortic wall, such as Marfan's syndrome or changes in the bicuspid valve of the heart.

More rarely, the dissection can also happen due to trauma, that is, due to accidents or severe blows to the abdomen.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for aortic dissection should be done shortly after the diagnosis is confirmed, starting with the use of drugs to lower blood pressure, such as beta-blockers. In addition, as pain can lead to increased pressure and worsening of the condition, strong analgesics, such as morphine, can also be used.

In some cases it may still be necessary to have surgery to repair the aortic wall. The need for surgery is assessed by a cardiothoracic surgeon, but it usually depends on where the dissection took place. Thus, if the dissection is affecting the ascending portion of the aorta, immediate surgery is usually indicated, whereas if the dissection appears in the descending portion, the surgeon can first assess the progression of the condition and symptoms, and surgery may not even be necessary.

When necessary, it is usually a very complicated and time-consuming surgery, as the surgeon needs to replace the affected area of ​​the aorta with an excerpt of synthetic material.

Possible complications

There are several complications associated with dissection of the aorta, the main two of which include the rupture of the arteries, as well as the development of the dissection to other important arteries, such as those that carry blood to the heart. Thus, in addition to undergoing treatment for aortic dissection, doctors generally assess the appearance of complications that need to be treated in order to reduce the risk of death.

Even after treatment, there is a high risk of complications occurring during the first 2 years and, therefore, the person should have regular consultations with the cardiologist, as well as exams, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, to identify possible complications early.

To avoid the appearance of complications, people who have undergone aortic dissection should follow the doctor's instructions, as well as avoid habits that can greatly increase blood pressure. Thus, it is recommended to avoid doing too much physical activity and having a balanced diet that is low in salt.

Aortic dissection: what it is, symptoms and treatment