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What is neurofeedback and how it works


Neurofeedback, also known as biofeedback or neurotherapy, is a technique that allows you to directly train the brain, balancing its functioning and improving the ability to concentrate, attention, memory and confidence, making it more efficient.

Thus, it is possible to treat problems of changes in brain functioning naturally, such as:

  • Anxiety; Depression; Sleep problems; Attention disorder and hyperactivity; Frequent migraines.

In addition, neurofeedback can also be used in some cases of seizures, autism and even cerebral palsy.

In this technique, only normal brain functioning processes are used, without the introduction of external factors such as electricity or any type of brain implant.

Price and where to do it

Neurofeedback can be done in some clinics with psychology services, however, there are still few places that offer therapy, since it is necessary to have an advanced type of training to do the technique correctly.

The price is usually on average 3 thousand reais for a package of 30 sessions, but it can be more expensive, depending on the location selected. In addition, up to 60 sessions may be required to achieve the desired objectives.

How it works

The neurofeedback process begins with the placement of electrodes on the scalp, which are small sensors that capture brain waves and show them on a monitor, which is shown to the person himself.

Then, a game is displayed on the monitor in which the person must try to change the brain waves using only the brain. Over time, and over the course of a few sessions, it is possible to train the brain to function in a more balanced way, treating functioning problems or, at least, alleviating symptoms and the need for medicines, for example.

What is neurofeedback and how it works