Home Symptoms How to avoid the h1n1 flu

How to avoid the h1n1 flu


This flu, also called influenza A or H1N1, is a type of flu caused by the Influenza A H1N1 virus, which in addition to humans also affects pigs.

This flu is transmitted from person to person in the same way as the common flu, but it causes stronger and sudden symptoms and can cause complications such as shortness of breath, pneumonia and death when not treated properly. See all the symptoms of this disease here.

How the virus is transmitted

The H1N1 flu is transmitted in the same way as the common flu, passing mainly through contact with contaminated objects, such as cutlery and glasses, or through the saliva and respiratory secretions of sick people.

In addition, it is possible to catch the flu upon contact with sick animals, but the consumption of pork does not transmit this disease, as the virus is eliminated during cooking.

How to prevent

To prevent contamination by this type of flu as well as to avoid passing the disease on to others, the following precautions must be taken:

  • Take flu shots during campaign seasons; Wash your hands frequently, especially when using the bathroom or after arriving home; Cover your hand and nose with tissue when sneezing and coughing; Avoid catching your eyes, mouth or nose throughout the day; avoid contact with people with flu symptoms; avoid contact with pigs from disease outbreak areas; clean objects such as toys, countertops, door handles, telephones and kitchen utensils with soap and water or disinfectants; if symptoms are present, avoid contact with other people for up to 24 hours after the fever improves.

In addition, children under the age of 5, the elderly over 65, pregnant women, and people with illnesses that weaken the immune system, such as AIDS or asthma, should avoid crowded places.

To help with proper diagnosis, see how to differentiate the symptoms of common flu, H1N1 flu and Zika.

How to avoid the h1n1 flu