Home Bulls Eparema: how to take and side effects

Eparema: how to take and side effects


Eparema helps to relieve poor digestion and disorders of the liver and bile ducts and also helps in cases of constipation. This medicine exerts its effect by stimulating the production and elimination of bile, which is a substance that facilitates the digestion of fats and works as a mild laxative, which does not cause habituation.

This remedy is available in several flavors and can be purchased in pharmacies for a price that can vary between 3 to 40 reais, depending on the size of the packaging and the pharmaceutical form.

How to take

Eparema can be taken before, during or after meals and the recommended dose is one teaspoon, which is equivalent to 5 mL, pure or diluted in a small volume of water, twice a day. In the case of flaconettes, the recommended dose is one flaconet, twice a day. If the person is constipated, they can take one or two more flaconettes before bedtime.

As for the tablets, the recommended dose is 1 tablet, twice a day and in cases of constipation, one or two more tablets can be taken before bedtime. Children over 10 years of age should take one tablet once or twice a day.

The duration of treatment depends on the person's need or what is recommended by the doctor, however it is not advisable to exceed 2 weeks of treatment.

Who should not use

Eparema should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to any of the components in the formula, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, children under 10 years old or people who have severe kidney, liver or heart disease.

In addition, it is also not indicated in situations of chronic constipation, acute abdomen, abdominal pain of unknown cause, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative processes of the digestive tract, acute inflammatory bowel diseases, such as colitis or Crohn's disease, reflux esophagitis, disorders hydroelectric, paralytic ileus, irritable colon, diverticulitis and appendicitis.

It should also be used with caution in diabetics, as it contains sugar in its composition.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that can occur with the use of Eparema are intestinal spasms, alteration or decrease in taste, irritation in the throat, abdominal pain, diarrhea, poor digestion, nausea, vomiting and malaise.

Eparema: how to take and side effects