Home Bulls 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Female Ejaculation

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Female Ejaculation


Female ejaculation happens when a woman releases fluid through the vagina during orgasm, similar to what happens in a man during sperm ejaculation.

Although it can also be known as squirting or squirt , which is what happens when a woman releases urine during sexual activity, female ejaculation is slightly different, since the fluid released is not just urine, it also has an acid-like substance prostate, produced by the prostate in men.

What is the liquid released?

In most women, the fluid released during orgasm is just urine and is therefore known as squirt or squirting . However, there are women who, during orgasm, expel a mixture of urine with prostatic acid, which ends up earning the name of female ejaculation.

Although the liquid from ejaculation contains prostate acid, this does not mean that the woman also has a prostate, as this acid is also produced by two glands that are close to the urethral orifice and are known as Skene's glands. Learn more about these glands and what they are for.

Why does ejaculation occur?

The process is not yet fully known, however it is possible that female ejaculation occurs due to the intense contraction of the walls of the vagina and all the muscles of the surrounding region, which causes Skene's glands to contract and release prostatic acid., which ends up being diluted in some urine that comes from the bladder contraction.

Can all women ejaculate?

Although Skene's glands are present in every woman's body, female ejaculation does not happen in all of them. This is mainly due to the anatomy of each woman and the position of the glands. While some women have glands that allow easy ejaculation, others have a hard time ejaculating.

In addition, there are also women who are unable to relax enough during intimate contact to allow the intensity of contractions during orgasm to produce ejaculation. In such cases, it is possible to learn to ejaculate through relaxation and breathing techniques that can be done during sexual activity.

Is it necessary to ejaculate for pleasure?

Pleasure during intercourse does not depend on the woman's ejaculation, since it is possible to reach orgasm without the woman releasing any type of liquid. However, women who manage to ejaculate report that this type of orgasm is usually better for them than orgasm without ejaculation.

Does ejaculation smell?

Although female ejaculation may contain urine, this amount of urine is very diluted with prostatic acid, which makes ejaculation not have a specific smell and is, in most cases, a neutral smell.

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Female Ejaculation