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Electrotherapy: main devices, what they are for and contraindications


Electrotherapy consists of the use of electric currents to perform a physiotherapy treatment. For this to be done, the physiotherapist places electrodes on the skin surface, where low intensity currents pass, which do not pose a risk to health, and are useful for the treatment of conditions such as swelling, pain, spasms or for muscle strengthening, for example. example.

During a physiotherapy session it is common to use at least one electrotherapy equipment to help control pain, spasm, improve blood supply, accelerate the healing of the skin and the regeneration of other tissues. Each person needs a specific type of device, which can be adjusted according to their needs during each phase of treatment.

Main electrotherapy devices in physiotherapy

There are several techniques for applying electrotherapy, with the use of specific devices, which can contribute in different ways during rehabilitation treatment. The main ones are:

1. TENS - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy

It consists of the emission of pulsed electrical currents that stimulate nerves and muscles through the skin, which blocks pain signals and increases the production of physiological substances in the body that have analgesic effects, such as endorphins.

For application, the electrodes are placed directly on the skin, and the intensity of the electric current is adjusted for each person. Generally, the treatment is performed on alternate days, and the number of sessions is individualized according to the needs of each person, usually for 20 minutes.

  • What it is for: post-operative pain, fracture, and in the case of chronic pain, such as low back pain, neck pain, sciatic nerve, bursitis, for example, are usually used for treatment. Although not widely used for this purpose, it can also be used to combat motion sickness in the postoperative period. Contraindications: in case of epilepsy because it can trigger a crisis, it should not be placed on the uterus during pregnancy, on the injured skin, in the mouth and on the carotid artery.

2. Ultrasound

The ultrasound device used in electrotherapy is capable of emitting sound waves that provide mechanical vibrations that favor the regeneration of the affected tissues, by stimulating blood flow and increasing metabolism.

This technique is performed by sliding the device over the skin, after having been cleaned and prepared with a gel, and the number of sessions is indicated by the physiotherapist, according to the needs of each person. The treatment time should be at least 5 minutes for each 5 cm area.

  • What it is for: it is usually performed in case of muscle pain caused by contractures or tensions, muscle spasms, tendonitis, joint blockages and in the treatment of scars, against joint stiffness, to decrease local swelling, Contraindications: decrease of local sensitivity, cardiovascular disease advanced, skin cancer at the site, impaired blood circulation in the region, over the testicles.

3. Russian Current

It is an electrostimulation technique that acts on the muscle level, made with electrodes strategically positioned in the region to be treated, being able to promote an increase in muscle strength and volume, as it works by improving blood circulation and reducing local flabbiness. The Russian chain is widely used in aesthetic treatments, facilitating lymphatic drainage and fighting sagging. Learn more about how the Russian chain is made.

  • What it is for: it is widely used to strengthen muscles, as its effect can facilitate muscle contraction, especially in cases of muscle weakness or atrophy. Contraindications: in case of cardiac pacemaker, epilepsy, mental illness, on the uterus during pregnancy, in case of deep vein thrombosis or recent phlebitis, in case of recent fracture.

4. Low intensity laser therapy

Laser is a type of phototherapy capable of producing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and healing effect on tissues. The laser application is usually done by the physiotherapist at the pain site, and the dose and number of sessions performed will depend on the type and severity of the injury.

  • What it is for: laser therapy is indicated in case of swelling or inflammation of joints, tendons and ligaments, tendons in the nerves, having good results to control pain and stimulate the regeneration of injured tissue. Contraindications: on the eyes, cancer, on the uterus during pregnancy, bleeding at the application site, a person with a mental disability, who does not cooperate with the therapist's instructions.

5. FES - Functional electrical stimulation

Fes is a device that leads to muscle contraction in a paralyzed or extremely weak muscle group, as in the case of cerebral palsy, hemiplegia or paraplegia, for example.

  • What it is for: when it is necessary to favor muscle strengthening in people who are unable to control movement, as in the case of paralysis, stroke sequelae, or in athletes to improve training performance by recruiting more fibers than normal contraction. The time of muscle contraction varies according to the amount of muscles that need to be worked, but it lasts about 10 to 20 minutes per treatment area. Contraindications: It should not be used in people with pacemakers, over the heart, carotid sinus, in case of spasticity, if there is damage to the peripheral nerve in the region.

6. Short wave diathermy

This is a device that serves to promote heat more deeply in the body, because it warms the blood, reduces inflammation, muscle stiffness and relieves spasms in the deep muscles of the body. It also regenerates injured tissues, reduces bruising and promotes the regeneration of peripheral nerves.

  • What it is for: In situations where the heat may need to reach deeper layers, as in the case of low back pain, sciatica and other changes in the spine or hip, for example. Contraindications: Pacemaker, external or internal fixators in the region where you want to treat, changes in sensitivity, during pregnancy, cancer, tuberculosis, recent deep vein thrombosis, in case of fever, in children and adolescents so as not to compromise bone growth.

7. Photochemotherapy with psoralen - PUVA

This is a combined treatment that consists of first taking a substance called psoralen, indicated by the doctor, and 2 hours after taking it, exposing the area that will be treated to ultraviolet radiation. It is also possible to apply psoralen in the form of an ointment or mix in a basin with water, keeping the part to be treated immersed during exposure to radiation.

  • What it is for: Especially in case of vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus or pigmented urticaria. Contraindications: melanoma or other skin cancer, use of other photosensitizing drugs.
Electrotherapy: main devices, what they are for and contraindications