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Blue sclera: what it is, possible causes and what to do


Blue sclera is the condition that occurs when the white part of the eyes turns bluish, something that can be observed in some babies up to 6 months of age, and can also be seen in elderly people over 80 years, for example.

However, this condition can be associated with the appearance of other diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, osteogenesis imperfecta, some syndromes and even the use of certain medications.

The diagnosis of diseases that lead to the appearance of blue sclera must be made by a general practitioner, pediatrician or orthopedist and is made through the person's clinical and family history, blood and imaging tests. The treatment indicated depends on the type and severity of the disease, which may include changes in diet, use of medications or physical therapy.

Possible causes

Blue sclera may appear due to reduced iron in the blood or defects in collagen production, leading to the emergence of diseases such as:

1. Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is defined by hemoglobin values ​​in the blood, seen in the test as Hb, below normal as less than 12 g / dL in women or 13.5 g / dL in men. Symptoms of this type of anemia include weakness, headache, changes in menstruation, excessive tiredness and can even lead to the appearance of blue sclera.

When symptoms appear, it is recommended to seek assistance from a general practitioner or hematologist, who will request tests such as complete blood count and ferritin dosage, to check whether the person has anemia and the degree of the disease. Learn more about identifying iron deficiency anemia.

What to do: After the doctor has made the diagnosis, treatment will be indicated, which usually consists of using ferrous sulfate and increasing the intake of iron-rich foods that can be red meat, liver, poultry meat, fish and vegetables dark green, among others. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange, acerola and lemon, can also be recommended, as they have improved iron absorption.

2. Osteogenesis imperfecta

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a syndrome that causes bone fragility due to some genetic disorders associated with type 1 collagen. The signs of this syndrome begin to appear in childhood, one of the main signs being the presence of blue sclera. Learn more other signs of osteogenesis imperfecta.

Some bone deformities in the skull and spine, as well as the looseness of the bone ligaments are quite visible in this condition, the most appropriate way that the pediatrician or orthopedist does to discover the imperfect osteogenesis is by analyzing these signs. The doctor may order a panoramic X-ray to understand the extent of the disease and indicate the appropriate treatment.

What to do: when checking for the presence of blue sclera and bone deformities, the ideal is to seek a pediatrician or orthopedist to confirm the imperfect osteogenesis and to indicate the appropriate treatment, which may be the use of bisphosphonates in the vein, which are remedies for strengthen the bones. In general, it is also necessary to use medical devices to stabilize the spine and do physical therapy sessions.

3. Marfan syndrome

Marfan syndrome is a hereditary disease caused by a dominant gene, which compromises the functioning of the heart, eyes, muscles and bones. This syndrome causes ocular manifestations, such as the blue sclera and causes arachnodactyly, which is when the fingers are exaggeratedly long, changes in the chest bone and leaves the spine more curved to one side.

For families that have cases of this syndrome it is recommended to carry out genetic counseling, in which the genes will be analyzed and a team of professionals will provide guidance on treatment. Find out more about what genetic counseling is and how it is done.

What to do: the diagnosis of this syndrome can be made during pregnancy, however, if there is suspicion after birth, the pediatrician may recommend performing genetic tests and blood or imaging tests to check which parts of the body the syndrome reached. Since Marfan's syndrome has no cure, treatment is based on controlling changes in the organs.

4. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is the set of inherited diseases characterized by a defect in the production of collagen, leading to the elasticity of the skin and joints, as well as problems with the support of the walls of arteries and blood vessels. Learn more about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Symptoms vary from person to person, but various changes can occur such as dislocations in the body, muscle bruising and people with this syndrome may have thinner-than-normal skin on their nose and lips, causing injuries to occur more frequently. facility. The diagnosis must be made by a pediatrician or general practitioner through a person's clinical and family history.

What to do: after confirmation of the diagnosis, follow-up with doctors of various specialties such as cardiologist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, rheumatologist may be recommended, so that support measures are taken to reduce the consequences of the syndrome in the different organs, as the disease does not have heals and tends to get worse over time.

5. Use of medicines

The use of some types of medication can also lead to the appearance of blue sclera, such as minocycline in high doses and in people who have been using it for more than 2 years. Other drugs for the treatment of some types of cancer, such as mitoxantrone, can also cause the sclera to turn blue, in addition to causing depigmentation of the nails, leaving them with a gray color.

What to do: these situations are very rare, however, if a person is taking any of these medications and notice that the white part of the eye is bluish in color, it is important to inform the doctor who gave the medication, so that the suspension is evaluated, change in dose or switch to another medicine.

Blue sclera: what it is, possible causes and what to do