Home Pregnancy How to prevent and treat pimples in pregnancy

How to prevent and treat pimples in pregnancy


During pregnancy changes in hormone levels, such as progesterone and estrogen, in addition to changes in immunity, blood circulation and body metabolism, which predispose to the formation of pimples, as well as several other types of skin changes, such as inflammation and stains.

Thus, it is normal for new pimples to appear on the body, which appear more frequently on the face, neck and back, as they are places where there is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands, and to combat them it is recommended to avoid the accumulation of fat on the skin with mild or mild soap.

However, they tend to decrease after the arrival of childbirth and during the breastfeeding period, since the concentration of hormones decreases, also controlling the oiliness of the skin.

How to avoid

Pimples can appear early in pregnancy, when progesterone and estrogen start to increase. Some tips that hinder the appearance of pimples, and can be done by the pregnant woman are:

  • Clean the skin properly, preventing oil from forming comedone-type lesions, such as blackheads; Use sunscreen or oil free moisturizing creams, especially on the face, which reduces skin greasiness; Do not use excess makeup, and always remove it correctly because they can build up and clog your skin pores; Do not expose yourself to excessive sun, as UV radiation can accelerate the formation of pimples; Avoid consuming inflammatory foods for the skin, such as milk, sweets, carbohydrates and fried foods; Prefer foods with whole grains and rich in omega-3, such as salmon and sardines, as they help to regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation of the skin, which causes pimples.

There are also some natural recipes that can be followed to improve skin health and fight pimples, such as taking 1 glass of natural raspberry juice daily, as this fruit contains zinc, which is a mineral that helps to disinfect the skin, or take orange juice with carrot, for having detoxifying properties. Check out our diet tips that help dry your pimples naturally.

How to treat

The treatment of acne can be guided by the obstetrician or dermatologist, and consists of keeping the skin clean, removing excess oil and giving preference to the use of oil free products on the face and body.

The use of mild or neutral soaps and lotions to remove oil may also be a good option, as long as they do not contain acids or medications, therefore, it is more recommended that they go through the doctor's evaluation to confirm the safety of the product.

What treatments should not be used

Lotions, gels or creams with medicines should not be used, except under medical guidance, as some substances can be harmful to the baby.

Thus, some contraindicated treatments are salicylates, retinoids and isotretinoin, due to the risk for pregnancy and the baby's health. Others, such as benzoyl peroxide and adapalene, do not have proven safety in pregnancy, so they should also be avoided. Esthetic treatments, such as chemical peels, are also not recommended.

However, when there is an intense acne situation, there are some creams, prescribed by the obstetrician or dermatologist, that can be used, such as Azelaic acid.

Check out some more tips on what to do to prevent and fight pimples in pregnancy.

How to prevent and treat pimples in pregnancy