Home Symptoms Tips to stop belly swelling

Tips to stop belly swelling


Regardless of the cause of the swollen belly, such as gas, menstruation, constipation or fluid retention in the body, to relieve discomfort in 3 or 4 days, strategies can be adopted, such as avoiding foods with too much salt or ready seasonings, reduce the consumption of milk, pasta and bread in general and avoid using refined sugars.

In addition, drinking fennel, lemon balm or mint tea during the day also calms the production of gases and aids in their elimination, which also contributes to reducing the swelling of the abdomen.

The swollen belly can also be a sign of gastritis, irritable bowel or indigestion. In such cases, when the swelling is accompanied by pain that is very frequent or does not completely relieve, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist to do tests and start treatment.

1. Eat healthy

To reduce bloating it is important to eat foods rich in fiber and that facilitate digestion, such as vegetables, cooked vegetables or raw leafy vegetables.

In addition, it is also important to reduce some foods that contribute to the formation of gases, avoiding eating more than one source of carbohydrates, such as pasta with potatoes, rice with potatoes or rice with beans, for example.

It is also important to reduce your intake of soft drinks, artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks, and to avoid consuming processed foods like sausage, sausage and lasagna or frozen pizzas, for example.

In addition, you can also try to interrupt the consumption of milk for 4 or 5 days, in order to check if the swelling decreases. If this happens, there is a possibility that the person may suffer from lactose intolerance, which causes gas and diarrhea. In addition to milk, gluten intolerance can also cause gases. Learn how to identify this problem.

2. Practice physical exercise

In addition to food, there are some exercises that also help to stop swelling, such as:

Exercise 1

Lie on your back, bending and holding one knee, pressing it towards your belly. This exercise should be done in turn for each leg and should be repeated between 20 and 30 times for each leg.

Exercise 2

Kneel and try to sit on the heel, then stretch forward and extend your arms. This exercise allows the alignment of the end of the intestine with the anal sphincter, which facilitates the escape of gases.

Learn how to do the exercise correctly in the following video:

In addition, walking is also a great exercise to help eliminate excess gas accumulated during the day.

3. Take probiotics

To reduce the formation of gases, eating natural yogurt or with active bifidos daily, for breakfast, for example, is a good strategy. These yogurts have bacteria that regulate the fermentation of food and the production of gases.

In addition, it is also possible to add probiotics in capsule or powder form to soup or beverages, which are bought in handling pharmacies or in stores specializing in natural products. These probiotics balance the intestinal flora, reducing the discomfort caused by bloating and gas.

If the swelling in the belly is not being caused by a digestive difficulty, trapped intestine or gas, it is best to seek a gastroenterologist so that the cause of the swelling can be properly diagnosed and treated.

In some cases, the swelling can be caused by pregnancy or some illness, and in these cases it is common for other symptoms to be present, and it is recommended to consult the doctor as soon as possible. Know the most common causes of swollen belly.

Tips to stop belly swelling