Home Symptoms What to do to avoid barotitis

What to do to avoid barotitis


Using a nasal decongestant containing a substance called phenylephrine in drops or spray equalizes the pressure on the eardrum membranes, reducing congestion and preventing middle barotitis.

Middle barotitis, or aerotitis, is the damage to the middle ear caused by the difference in air pressure between the two sides of the tympanic membrane in the ears. When there is an obstruction due to scarring, infection or allergy, air cannot reach the middle ear, damaging the tympanic membrane, causing pain, rupture and bleeding.

The pressure in the middle ear can also be equalized and the discomfort relieved by breathing with an open mouth, by chewing gum or by swallowing.

Sudden changes in pressure during a flight or dive cause an individual to feel pain or to cover their ears, especially those who have an infection or allergy that affects the nose and throat. The fluid in the inner ear can leak into the middle ear, resulting in hearing loss or dizziness.

What to do to avoid barotitis